05 February 2016

Nice Messages and Quotes (1)

 You are the one, all my life, I want to care for. You are the one I want to love until the end of my days. You deserve even more than this! I love you.

 You have brought the best moment into my life. You have set my wanting heart aright. My past hurts and pains are done, all because I have you. I love you.

 The opening of my eyes never want to miss a sight of you, and the opening of my arms never wants to miss an embrace from you. The more i think of you, the more strengthened is my heart in love for you. You are my world.

 Having you is the best gift the whole world could ever offer me. I wouldn't want any other present, but your heart in love for me. I love you.

 I want to be the main reason for your many-a-smile and laughter, because I don't want a frown on your face. I love you.

 I might have loved the sun for brighten my day, and love the coolest of breeze because it refreshes my body... But I love you more than them all, because you are the centre of my fantasy!

I wish I could go far away with you. I wish I could be alone with you through all my days. I love you.

 To stay away from you is something I don't want to do all my life. I can't be well staying a moment without you. I love you.

 My life was once an age long puzzle until you came as the missing piece and set my life aright. You are my perfection.

 The world feels more than right you being with me. You are the centre of my world and my life revolves around you. I love you.

 Whenever I need to think how blessed I am, I just think about you. You are an unending source of joy to my life, like a fountain flowing. I love my life with you.

 As long as I don't have all it takes to live without air, I won't have what it takes to live without you my dear. We are forever joined together. I love you.

 I keep on praying and wishing you stay in my heart forever: because I don't want to miss your sight for a second. I wish this come true. I love you.

 No matter how good my life has ever been, it is better and best being with you. I want it to stay this way forever. I love you.

 Your love is the greatest. You are the first in my heart and never the second.
As long as my heart beats, your place in there won't be for none else but you. I love you.

 I will love you until no breath is left in me. You will be mine until the world cease to be no more. Morning, night and noon, I will be your best. I love you.

 I am on top of the world, i don't want to feel any better than this. Your love in me is more than unquenchable fire. Your love rocks.

 My hearts would always beat abnormally whenever a second pass without me thinking about you.

 You will always be my number one. You will always be my best fantasy and the source of my best fun. I love you.

 You are the joy my life have been waiting for. Letting you go is never going to be a choice. I love you.

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