17 November 2015

Friendship Messages-5

Making Friends Is Not Abt
Collecting Pearls Or Diamonds!
Its Abt Accepting One As Coal
N Wait Til D Warmth
Of Frndship
Turns It To Diamond.
So Many Hands In 1 Tiffin Box
So Many Frnds In 1 Bench.
So Many Calls On 1 B?day Nite.
So Many Tears 4 1 Little Fight
Frndz! R D Bst Part Of Our Life
7 Very Rare Gifts Given By God,
Dad?s Hug
Mom?s Luv
Brother?s Fight
Sister?s Care
Lovely Sleep
Lover?s Hurting
& our Frndship.
Don’t Miss Them??.!
Is The Bond …
When The Ties Between Two Cannot Be Worn
Where Selfishness Is Out Of Question
And Emotion Is An Art Of Devotion … =)
A Good Friend Is Like A Light House
It Doesn’t Ring Bells, Fire Guns To Call Attention
When You Are Lost … It Simply Stands Tall And Shines … =]
Birth is from Mother Advice is from Father Knowledge is from Teacher Life is from partner But joy, fun, jokes, lifelong smiles is from FRIEND .Isn’t It?
Friendship is a silent gift of nature..
More old .. more strong..
More deep.. more clear..
More close.. more warm..
Less words.. more understanding..
Never Try Alone To Take The Weight Of Tear That Comes Out Of Ur Heart & Falls Through Ur Eyes
SHaRE … !
YOU Can Never Find A Perfect Friend In Me
Coz Wat Makes Me Human
Is My Imprefection
FRIEND Not Perfect But True
Old Msgs R Deleted
When New Msgs Cum to Inbox
Old Frnds R Ignored When New one comes
Never Do Dis Mistake Coz Same
Msgs Can Be Created
But Not D Same Old Frnd !
God wanted 2make a person full of love
He made MOTHER
A person full of support and encouragement
He made FATHER
Sum1 who can offer help always
Sum1 to play pranks & add joy
He made SISTER
Den God decided 2make a special person who has all da qualities 2gether all in 1. . .
So He made  Friends
Friendship  forever
A FrIeNd OpEnS a CoNvErSaTiOn WiTh A fUlL nEwZ bUlLeTiN oN hIs LiFe …
BuT A rEaL fRiEnD sAyZ: “wHaT’s NeW wItH yOu ?” (:
EnJoY fRiEnDs On ThIs SpEcIaL dAy
The Light Of “F.r.I.e.N.d.S.h.I.p”
Is Like The Light Of “P.h.O.s.P.h.O.r.U.s”
Seen Plainest When All Around Is “D.a.R.k” … (:->
Birth’ Is 0nce..
‘Youth’ Is 0nce..
‘Death’ Is 0nce..
‘Love’ Is 0nce..
‘Marriage’ Is 0nce
But ‘FRIENDSHIP’ Is ‘Runs’ Forever…
A Friend Worth Having,
A Task Worth Doing,
A Treasured Dream That’s Worth Pursuing,
A Truth Worth Giving,
A Faith Worth Sharing …
Make L.I.F.E Worth Living (=
FrIeNdShIp Is A gIfT,
tHaT iS fAiR iN aLl tHiNgZ.
iT rOoTs FrOm OnE’s HeArT & iNvOlVeS mEmOrIeS
tHaT sTaY nOt
FoR a WhIlE bUt FoR a LiFeTiMe … -,-
A Friend Is Like A Book
That Has To Be Read To Appreciate Its Beauty
As Such, You Are 1 Of The Finest Books Ever Written
How I Wish You Could Be Reprinted 
1 Seed Can Create A Forest.
1 Smile Can Start A
1 Touch Can Show
And A Friend Like
You Can Bring Meanin 2 Live
Small Anger
Silly Fights
Simple SMS’s
Serious Jokes
Sensitive Feelings
Senseless Speak
Milion Sorrys …
Mixture of all the above is wh8 V Call
Last Night GOD Gave Me 2 Choices,
Either To Have A Close Friend Like You,
Or To Have Excellent Memory!!!
Well.. I Don’t Remember..
What I Choose..;->
My friend u r Hard like “Nokia”
Slim like “samsung”
Shiny like “LG”
Smart like “motorolla”
Voice like “sony”
BUT untrusted Like “china mobile”:->
Don’t Try To
Have Friend Who Can
Achieve Great Heights,
Have A Friend
Who Can Hold When
You Fall From
The Greatest Height.. !!
I love you … but am not your lover.
I care for you… but am not from your family ….
I am ready to share your pain… but am not in your blood relation.
I am.your…….FRIEND!!!!!
True friend scolds like a DAD…. Cares like a MOM….Teases like a SISTER… Irritates like a BROTHER… and finally loves U more than a LOVER
They Are Your FRIENS & FAMILY (=
1+1=2 Eyes looking at u,
3+2=5 sense missing u,
4+3=7 days thinking of u,
5+7=12 months dremin abt u,
bt 99+1=100 yrs i need a sweet friend like u
Happy friendship day     The Sweetest Souls
Few Moments In
F. R. I. E. N. D. S. H. I. P
Frndz Walking Wid U Holding Ur Hands
Lying On Frnd’s Shoulder
Hugging Frnd In Happiness or Difficult Situation
Grabbin Frnd’s Food n Eating
Spending 4 Frndz n Spending Frnd’s Money
Tears Within or In Our Eyes, On Seeing Tears In Frnd’s Eyes
Roaming, Picnic Wid Frndz
Fights, Arguments Wid Him Ending Up In More Understandings…
WhErEvEr YoUaRe,
ItI is YoUr FrIeNdS WhO mAkE yOuR wOrLd=
gOoD aNd SiNcErE fRiEnDs In OuR lIvEs Is LiKe
ThE iMpOrTaNcE oF hEaRtBeAtS !
ThEy ArE nOt ViSiBlE, bUt
ThEy SiLeNtLy SuPpOrT oUr LiFe….!
Which friend am i to U?
PeopLe say its diffiCult to get gUd FrIends..
NaturaLLy bCOz the Gud oNes likE mE r aLready uRs!
And the greAt Ones liKe u r aLready mINE! 
Friends are like colour pencils, they colour our lives, I may not be your favourite COLOUR , But hope you will need me some where to complete ur picture !
You Are my pillar ; my stone of strength.
With me through all seasons & great times of lenght.
My love for you is pure boundless through space & time,
It grows stronger everyday with the knowledge that youll”ll be mine.
At the altar i will joyously say ‘I do’,
For i have it all now & it’s all because of you.
The only thing i want is to be with you.
I always pray to ”GOD”, To make thsi wish come true.
So that i can live my life with you.
so that i can be yours till etrenity.
I just wish that this wish comes true.
I just wish that this wish comes true.
Flowerz Of Friendship
Never Gives Up,
Its A Promise Made Forever.
It Brings Happiness To
The Heart & Mind
And Makes Every
Dream Come Alive … =]
I don’t want U to be mad for Me,
Neither to live for Me,
Nor to give Me more importance than Ur Love,
What I want is when I won’t b any more with U,
When I won’t b a part of Ur giggle & tear any more!
U think of Me then a drop scratches Ur cheek..
This would be the complete payback of our
Friendship! (=
Why v make FRENDZ?
Coz they understand just by looking in our eyes…
Coz u can say something stupid or expose ur deepest secrets to them… Coz they believe in ur dreams no matter how silly they may seem..Coz they luv u for what u are..
And finally.. Coz evrything u do together becomes a memory 
LoVeLy RoSeS & LoVeLy YoU & LoVeLy ArE
ThE ThInGs U Do, BuT ThE LoVeLiEsT Is ThE FrIeNdShIp Of ThE TwO, OnE Is Me AnD ThE OtHeR Is U.
Are we frnds or
Are we not?
You told me once,but i forgot.
So tell me now
and tell me true,
so i can say,
I am here for u.
Of all the frnds
I hav evr met,
u r the one
I’ll nevr forget.
And if i die..
before you do,
I’ll go to heaven
AND wait for U!
The Best Things In ‘ L I F E ‘
Come In Three … Like !!!
‘ F R I E N D S ‘
‘ D R EA M S ‘
And ‘ M E M O R I E S ‘ .. 
Long Love is “Mother Love”
Shortest Love is “Others Love”
Sweetest Love is “Lovers Love”
But, Strongest LoVe is “Friends Love”
So Luv U Friend… 
For all my besties, whom I really love and care for..
I got your back
You got mine
I’ll help you out
Any time
To see you hurt
To see you cry
Makes me weep
And wanna die
And if you agree
To never fight
It wouldn’t matter
Who’s wrong or right
If a broken heart
Needs a mend
I’ll be right there
To the end
If your cheeks are wet
From drops of tears
Don’t you worry
Let go of your fears
Hand in hand
Love is sent
We’ll be friends
Till the end 
Who Am I?
A Step When You Stop
A Touch When You Are Lost
A Word When You Are Quiet
A Smile When You Are Sad
A Friend Who Would Be There For U Forever (:
Respect those friends who find time 4 u in their busy schedule
But Love those friends who never see their Schedule when u need them…
You can’t Tap ur back for a well done,
You can’t hug yourself for comfort & relaxation,
You can’t cry on ur shoulders
That’s why we hv Friendz in our lives
They are the ones who Cares Comfort Console Cheer Cherish
Support us Simply they make our Life Beautiful & Meaningful..
So Love them… (:
Did Any1 Ever Tell U Just How Special U r !
The Light That U Emit Mite Even Light A Star !
Did Any1 Ever Tell U How Important U Make Others Feel !
Somebody Out Here Is :)ing Because Of Something U Said Or Did!
Did Any1 Ever Tell U Just How Much They Like U !!
LIFE … Surely Is Joyful With
Love is like “missed call”. It stops when U try 2 catch.
But Friendship is like “sms”
Bcoz it comes & stays inside Ur Inbox until U delete it.
So its upto u 2 keep & value a friend!
Friends are like street lights,
Along the road, they don’t make the distance any shorter
but they light up the path & make the walk worthwhile.
Thanks for being my friend.
Fish said to water : you wont see my tears, because I am in the water.
Water replied: But, I can feel your tears because you are in my heart.
Love makes u realize how wonderful d world is but its a frnd who makes u realize how wonderful you are to d world.
For all my beloved frndz (:
Sometimes I wonder why V r Frndz?
What made us so special for each other that V chose each other as good Frndz.Then I think may b it was our fate that made us care for each other that made us understand each other but then again a tear comes in my eye thinking one day my Fndz will leave me getting busy with their lives but I stop my tears saying some silent words
Dedicated to all my special Frndz
“Everyone Has A ‘B E S T – F R I E N D’
During Each Stage Of Life, But
Only Lucky Ones
Have The Same ‘F R I E N D’
In All Stages Of Life” ^_^
“When Someone
Allows You To
Bear His Burdens,
You Have
Found Deep
F.r.i.e.n.d.s.h.i.p …” (:
There Is A Miracle
You Don’t Know
How It Happened !
Or When It Started !
But You Know The Joy
It Brings … !! (:
I say crazy things when I m hyper but don’t do them…
I say stupid things when I m angry but don’t mean them…
I say hurtful things when I m hurt but don’t mean to harm you…
I say silly things without thinking but laugh at myself later…
To all my friends who ignore my crazy talk, laugh at my silliness…
Forgive Me if I had ever hurt You…
Thanks for accepting ME as I AM..!! =)
Have u ever THANKED frnds. For their smiles?
Their hellos?
Their taps at ur back?
Their way of calling ur name?
Imagine ur friends never doing that anymore, could u bear it?
“small things usually go unnoticed, but in reality, they are the ones who make life look so easy n cheerful:
“I THANK YOU 2 my dear” 
I Miss My Friends When I c some other Guys sitting around,
Caring, Slapping each other.. Their mischievous smiles switching to loud laughter’s.. Though strangers to me, But They represent a part of my life I lost somewhere, I miss my friends. I miss u all.
Stay happy where ever U r
God was too wise to make friends without price tags otherwise
how much would a friend like you cost and where could I get the money to buy you?
Ur validity of being my friend is going 2 b expired today, plz recharge ur friendship immidiately by delivering 4-5 sweet & cool sms.So hurry
A true and caring friend doesn’t have to speak loud, a soft sms is just enough, because it is not the mouth that really speaks but
it is the heart that feels.
Roses are exclusively for a nice person like U from a simple person like ME keep this rose until they DRY, but keep my friendship untill I DIE.
When things turn out bad and your strength is no longer enough to carry them. You must never give up, cause when your strength ends, my worth is your friend begins.
True friends are like Diamonds,
They are real and rare.
False friends are like leaves,
They are scattered everywhere.
Take care, MY DIAMOND.
Behind ur smile I know there r sorrows,
Behind ur laughter I know there r tears,
And I want u 2 know that behind u
I am always there 4 u.(Friend Forever)
Friendship is not something that happens at first sight, It happens when you start knowing each other and in turn endup needing each other. For every feeling, for every thought and for every moment.
I dropped a Tear in the ocean while Thinking of You.
And I Promised to be
Your friend Till I find it….
Now did you know how long
i need your friendship.? …

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