21 November 2015

I Love You Messages for Boyfriend

I never thought that only three words could sum up the reason for my existence. But I realized how wrong I was when I said… I Love You.

I want you to know that you are the only person I ever want to be with. I would rather cry with you than laugh with anyone else because even crying with you makes me happy. I love you.

The only reason you are my boyfriend is because I have a heart and it belongs to you. Xoxo

We may be two twenty something year olds, but our deep love feels like it is centuries old. I love you.

I love you but I also hate you because now I can’t do anything without thinking about you every single second.

If you listen to my breaths closely, you will hear the words I Love You coming out with every single one. I am literally living for you, and only you. I love you.

A handsome guy that you are, I feel weak in the knees when I see you from far. The awesome boyfriend that you are, my life’s one and only superstar. I love you.

For many people, the only motto in life is to live their lives to the fullest. The motto of my life is to love you to the fullest. I love you.

I think it is an insult to call you my boyfriend. You are the guy to whom I’ve submitted my mind, body and soul. I love you.

Exciting, thrilling, exhilarating, astonishing, stimulating, elating, gripping, energizing, breathtaking, overwhelming, enchanting, riveting, enthralling, invigorating, overpowering and uplifting – this is only a tiny glimpse of how I felt when I fell in love with you.

I thought I knew everything about myself there was something that I didn’t and you did… the way into my heart. xoxo

My friends told me that falling in love would be the most beautiful feeling in the world. After I fell in love with you, I realized that even the most beautiful feeling in the world would look ugly against your love.

A boyfriend like you is the only way to not feel blue, the only way to experience love so true and the only way to see life’s beautiful view. I love you.

The time that we held hands for the first time was the best moment of my life… until the day I held your heart in mine. I love you.

I Love You are three words that have no meaning to me whatsoever until they are either said by me to you or you to me. I love you.

Spending even a few hours away from you has become so difficult. I wish I could just handcuff you to myself forever. I love you sweetheart.

My love for you is so real, that it makes me want to do unreal things like jumping on the clouds and climbing on the rainbow. I love you.

I have never felt the need to say that I will love you forever, because nothing except forever was even an option when I said I Love You. xoxo

Our lives are like a romantic movie played again and again. We smile, we flirt, we laugh and we fight – and we do it all over again. I love you.

It is amazing how my heart, such a tiny bit of me, can love a whole lot of you. I love you.

Whenever we talk, no matter what you say the only words that I hear coming out of your mouth are I Love You. xoxo

Falling in love with you… I don’t know how or when it happened. All I know that it is the best thing to have happened to me. I love you.

Your love is sweeter than chocolate, more intoxicating than wine and feels warmer than a fireplace in winter. In short, your love is magical. I love you.

If loving you was a job, I would be the most deserving, dedicated and qualified candidate. In fact, I would even be willing to work for free. I love you.

From random laughs to random kisses, our love has put me in a blissful state of randomness that I never want to come out of. I love you.

I knew that I started loving you when I stopped looking for the best in you and started wishing the best for you. I love you.

I really don’t know why people are unable to explain the definition and meaning of love. For me, love has a very simple three letter meaning – YOU.
Your hugs give me weak knees and your kisses make me shiver. Thinking about you makes me breathless and missing you gives me a fever. You seem to be bad for my health but that’s alright. I will still hug you, kiss you and miss you with all my might. I love you.

We are not a perfect couple. We are more perfect that the word perfect. In fact, perfect would look imperfect in front of us. xoxo

Even a doctor would be baffled at how my heart conveniently decides to beat faster or slower – depending on whether I’m thinking about you or not. xoxo

When you asked me out, our hearts were connected with broadband. Now that I have fallen in love with you, our hearts have a dedicated Wi-Fi connection between them. I love you.

My heart has forgotten how to beat for me, because it is busy beating for you… I love you.

If you ever asked me to pick between you and my dreams, I wouldn’t know what to say because being with you is my only dream. I love you.

Loving you is not a choice or an option. It is a need and a necessity. I love you.

My boyfriend, that you are – then why are you so far? Your girlfriend, that I am – then why is my heart in a jam? Maybe because I miss you every single second, and our love is nothing short of a legend. I love you.

I don’t know how you got inside my heart, but I do know that I never want you to leave. I love you.

The sun can rise, the sun can set, but my day will never start until I get. A text from you, followed by a hug, and later a lot of kisses over a warm coffee mug. I love you.

If you were cheese, I would be a mouse so I can nibble you bit by bit. If you were milk, I would be a cat so I can drink you sip by sip. But if you were a mouse, I would still be a cat so I can devour you piece by piece. I love you.

It is not true that love does not have boundaries. In fact, my love for you has created boundaries in your heart so that no one else can come in. I love you.

So far, every moment we’ve spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come. I love you.

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