16 November 2015

Good Morning Messages-6

Don’t Complicate The Mind.
Flee From Hate, Mischief
And Jealously.
Don’t Bury You Thoughts.
Put Your Vision To Reality.
Wake Up n Live. . .
G o() [) m()r9iNg

I Wish U Fresh Good Morning…

Laughter n Fun r The Best Things In Life r
F R E E . . . !! =) *.*
g()_0[) m()r9!nG

When You Choose To Be Pleasant N Positive In D Way You Treat Others,
You’ve Also Chosen, In Most Cases,
How You Are Going To Be Treated By Others.
Gud M0rn!9g

A Morning is a Wonderful Blessing,
Either Cloudy or Sunny.
It stands for Hope, giving us another start of what we call Life.
Have a Good Morning & Day!

Early this morning God gave me 3 baskets of fruits
– LOVE + HAPPINESS + PEACE OF MIND and told me 2 share them with peal Dear 2 me.
I’m sharing all with U…

An ideal day should begin with a cute little yawn on your face,
A cup of coffee in your hand &
A sms from me on your mobile?!
Have a great day!
Good Morning.

The Word ‘Hello’ means
H=How R U?
E=Everything all right?
L=Like 2 hear 4rm U.
L=Love 2 C U soon.
I miss you!
Good Morning my friend.

Thinking of U this lovely morning,
As the sun starts shining is the perfect beginning.
So my dear sister u r charming, here’s my good morning.
Keep smiling morning till evening….

See outside the Window,
Sun rising for U, Flowers smiling for U,
Birds Singing for U, B’coz last night
I told them to wish U G@@D Morning.

LOVE + HAPPINESS + PEACE OF MIND and told me 2 share them with PPL Dear 2 me. I’m sharing all with U…
Good Morning!

No Shadows 2 Depress U,
No Shadows 2 Depress U, Only Joys 2 Surround U,Many FrieNds 2 LoveU,God Himself 2 BlessU,These r my Wishes 4U,2day 2morow & Everyday 2 u !! Good morning

Morning greetings doesn’t only mean saying Good Morning, it has a silent message saying:
I remember you when I wake up!
Have a nice day!

G-get up
O-open ur eyes
O-out of ur bed
D-day has risen
M-merry life
O-old dreams cum true
N-new frnds
I-ideas of life
N-nice future

Morning time a cup of hot hello,
A plate of crispy wishes,
A spoon of sweet smiles &
A slice of great success specially for u‚¦
Enjoy the day!!!!!!!!
“Good Morning‚

Never Blame A Day In Your Life.
Good Days Give You Happiness.
Bad Days Give You Experience.
Both Are Essential In Life.
All Are Gods’ Blessings..
Good Morning

,”*”,( ‘;’ )
,”*”,(,,)(,,)suba ka
,”*”,sweet sa,”*”,

$()””””() Hi ! Its $
$( ‘ o ‘ ) Me $
$(,,)==(,,)= $
I’ve climbed up
your window
Just to say
Gud Morning

Keep Correcting your Little Mistakes!
Because Nobody Slips down by Hills
But just Slips by Little Stones
::Good Morning::

‘The Longest Distance for a Morning
Walk in Winter is from
The bed to the toilet
Good Morning!’

Before you
Talk .. Listen.
Before you
React .. Think.
Before you
Criticize .. Wait.
Before you
Pray .. Forgive.
Before you
Quit .. Try …
Have A Blessed Day

Laughter Is The ‘Jam’ 0n The Toast 0f Life …
It Adds Flavor, Keeps It From Being Too Dry
And Make It Easier To Swallow … ! =) ^_-
Have A Great Sunday

How Beautiful To Wake Up In The Morning
And Find Her Still Asleep ,
Look At Her Face While My Hand Playing In Her Hair , I Kiss Her On Her Cheek And Assigned Her Head On My Chest And Watch Every Single Breath
Until She ‘ll Wake Up Smiling At Me
So That The Sun Rises
And Starts The New Day.

A new sun
A new day
A new sms
Asking u to forget all ur worries sorrows & tears for someone who wants to see you happy
Good Morning

In A Cool-Cool Morning
A Hot
For U
There Is No Cup & Coffee…
Wish U A COOL Morning.

One of the joys in life is waking up each day with thoughts that somewhere,
Someone cares enough to send a warm morning greeting!
Good morning and enjoy the day!

Troubles are like Washing Machine; They twist, turn & knock us around, But in the end we come out more brighter than before.!..GooD MorninG..

All mornings are like Paintings:-
U need a little inspiration to get going,a little smile to brighten up & AMS from someone who cares to color ur day…

If U cannot get someone off ur mind,
It is maybe because he/she is supposed to be there.
Remember, the mind can recognize what the heart is trying to deny.
Good Morning!

An ideal day should begin with a cute little yawn on ur face,
A cup of coffe in ur hand & a msg from me on ur mobile…!
Have a great day! Good morning.

Thinking of U this lovely morning
As the sun starts shining is the perfect beginning.
So my dear charming, here’s my good morning.
Keep smiling morning till evening.

You have only two options in life.
Try to accept what you can’t change.

Try to Change what you can’t accept.
“GOOD MORNING” Have a nice Sunday.

Tree leaves do not look green forever,
Roses do not look fresh forever,
But I pray to ALLAH that
Smile on your lips stay forever.
Good Morning & Have A Nice Day

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don’t.
Good Morning

Open ur tinky minky eyes, stand up and strech ur crunchy prunchy bonz and then wake up yourself, tell your brain to refresh and tell your self 2days is GOOD DAY
Good Morning

True Lines-
“Don’t expect a perfect love from any of your close ones…
Just show them what it is…”
Good Morning:-)

The breeze has awakened the earth,
The sun gave brightness to the earth,
Birds gave melodious music to the earth,
Then its the time to wish my sweet friend
Good Morning
It’s Perfectly Legal To
Kill Someone In Your
That’s Why
I Wake Up With A Smile Everyday
Good Morning

If You Wanna Win A Girl:
Surprise Her, Give Her Long Hugs,
Make Her Feel Safe,
Give Her Forehead Kisses & Good morning Messages.

A Smile Means Friendship To Everyone … !!
So Keep =)ing Members
Have A Frolic n Cheerful Sunday
Good Morning
Stay Blessed …

When You Are Feeling At Your Lowest,
Raise Your Hands To ALLAH The Highest…!
Have A Great Day

People Will
Hate You, Rate You,
Shake You N Break You. But How Strong You Stand Is What Makes You…
Stay Blessed
Good Morning …

In The Morning
The Greatness Of
The Mind And
The Goodness Of
The Heart Are
… Inseparable
Good Morning To All Sweet Friends

Morning Is A Wonderful
Opportunity To Wish, To Love, To
Care, To Smile And To See You In
Good Mood.
Good Morning
N Hav A Good Day.:-)

Birth was not our Choice,
Death is also not our Choice,
But the way we Live our Life is Absolutely our Choice.
Enjoy it and make each day Memorable. Good Morning…

We’re not too close in distance.
We’re not too near in miles.
But text can still touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles.
Good morning!

M-ake the most of it.
O-pen your heart and mind.
R-emember to thank God.
N-ever frown
I-magine me
N-othing to worry.
G-ood Morning!
Wish you have nice day & of course good morning

New day new blessing.
Don’t let yesterdays failures ruin the beauty of today, because each day has its own
promise of love, joy, forgiveness…..
Good Morning…

Just love when morning gets here,
Because i can send a
Great Big Good Morning sms to my beloved.
What a lovely way to start my day.
Very Good Morning

Dont read success story.
Read only failure story,
B’coz, failure story you get new idea to win,
from Success story you get only message.
Good morning to u

Life is a little sunnier, a little sweeter, a little brighter,, a little lovelier, a bit more delightful and a bit more charming, JUST B’COZ OF YOU…..
Good Morning

U say “Run”
i ask”How Far”
U say “Swim”
i ask “How Deep”
But if U say
i’ll say “NO WAY”
That’s FRiendship.

Dont run ahead of God,
Let Him direct your steps.
He has plans & He has time.
God’s clock is never early nor late.
It always strikes on time.
Gud Morning!

Some days are cloudy and grey,
And it seems as if the rain is
Chasing all your dreams away.
While other days r bright and sunny,
Making you feel as though the feats
You can accomplish are many.
On this particular day, I have but
One wish coming your way.
I hope you have a wonderfully nice day!

Birds are standing at your window,
waiting for you to say.
Have a nice day.

It’s Perfectly Legal To
Kill Someone In Your
That’s Why
I Wake Up With A Smile Everyday

Everyone Has To Admit
That The Most Depressing Moment Is When
You Wake Up Early And
Realize That You Only Have
Five Minutes Of Sleep Left.
Good Morning

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,( ),V,W,X,Y,Z.
Did I miss something out?
No because I put ( U ) in my heart.
Good morning dear.I hope u have a wonderful day.

Its purity of heart that matters,
Not the external appearance.
Because helping hands are always
Better than praying lips…!

Night has ended for another day,
Morning has come in a special way,
May you smile like the sunny rays,
Your worries at the blue blue bay.
“Good Morning”

Thinking of U this lovely morning,
As the sun starts shining,
So my dear charming,
Here is my good morning,
Keep smiling morning till evening.

A good message for a good person,
From a good friend for a good reason,
At a good time on a good day in a good mood to say
Good Morning

Never blame any day in your life.
Good days give u happiness,
Bad days give u experience.
Worst days give u a lesson.
Have a good morning and great day ahead.

Morning is a special gift from ”ALLAH” after a restful sleep, its a new chance 2do better & try again
where we failed b4.

Every ”Sunset” Reduce 1″Day From”Life !
But Every”Sunrise” Give 1″More”Day To”Hope !
So, Hope”for The”Best”
Happy”New”day Of”beautiful Life..
Good Morning

For a nice friend “nice morning”..
For a sweet friend “sweet morning”
For a loving friend “lovely morning”
For a Good friend “good morning”

“The minute you think of giving up any relation, think of the reason why you held it so long”
Good morning and have a nice day.

Get Up From Ur…
Softy Softy Bed…
Open Ur…
Teeny Weeny Eyes…
Wash Ur…
Pinky Shinky Face…
SomeOne Wants 2 wISH U.->
“GoÖD MorNinG.”

4 Steps 2 a Lovely Morning
1)Open Ur Eyes
2)Smile a Bit
3)Open ur Arms Wide &
4) Say Oye inna swerey chalo fair soiye

HaVe A NiCe DaY:-)

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* YOU *
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MORNING is a good time to REMEMBER all the sweet things & all sweet persons in your LIFE
so wake up with your SWEET MEMORIES

Hello, wake up,
Receive my simple gift of GOOD MORNING wrapped with sincerity, tied with care and sealed with a prayer to keep u safe and happy all day long!
Take Care!

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