17 November 2015

Good Luck Messages-3

I don’t know about you, but I have a gut feeling that you are about to meet two new people in your life whose names are Success and Riches. Good luck for your new business.

I doubt that you need any luck but I’m sure that your new colleagues need heaps of it to deal with someone as crazy as you. Please give my best wishes to them.

I find my heart singing a chorus at your happy news. Good luck to you during this joyous time.

I heard about your good news and wanted to wish you good luck and best of health.

I heard that successful people are big dreamers, They imagine what their perfect future would look like And then work hard every single day To make it a reality. So I wish you strength and determination In seeking your dreams.

I hope I never get a chance to enter your newly opened store, because I want it to be jam packed with customers all the time. Good luck.

I hope that along with your commitment and determination, you leap ahead by taking the best decisions. I hope that with your zeal and hard work, you secure lots of promotions and perks. Good luck.

I hope that your new job brings in the sweetest success, biggest promotions and the highest laurels. Good luck.

I hope you always win by creating a win-win situation for your customers and vendors. Good luck for your new business setup.

I hope your business is fool proof of financial recessions and water tight to market fluctuations. Good luck with your new endeavor.

I hope your new job brings you as much happiness as the amount of effort and hard work you put into it. Good luck in making your job enjoyable and productive at the same time.

I know that you are prepared to be a part of an amazing company. I wonder if your company is prepared to handle an amazing employee like you. Good luck for your first job.

I know you can climb the highest mountains. Never lose faith in yourself. Good luck!

I wish you all the success today and always!

If bagging a great job seems very tough, to succeed you’ll need to want it bad enough. Good luck.

If the stress of an exam is bringing you down, just think of studying hard as falling on a trampoline. The harder you fall, the higher you will rise. All the best.

If you believe you will get the job, you’ve got it already. All the best.

If you don’t believe in yourself when you write your exams, how do you expect the examiner to? Have faith in yourself not just because it is the right thing to do, but because you are the best. Good luck.

If you hate any of your teachers for giving you detention, this is your chance to get back them by scoring well and earning their admiration. Good luck for your exams.

If you learn how to really enjoy a marathon, you will never stop halfway.

In front of all the mammoth battles you’ve fought in your life, your job interview is a dwarf. Good luck.

In life, it is impossible to be 100% sure of whether you will pass or fail. But working hard is a sure shot way to increase your chances of doing well. Good luck.

In order to achieve great goal, We must act, but also dream, We must plan, but also have a belief. Good luck to you!

In terms of hard work and sacrifice, you will pay a big price to get that degree. But in terms of the value it adds to your life, that degree is priceless. Good luck.

Initiative, Inventiveness, Influence, Ingenuity, Integrity and Ideas – you have all the I’s that will help you say I will be successful. Good luck with your new business.

Inspirational message for students preparing for exams

Inspirational quote about hard work and luck

Inspirational quote about smiles and frowns

Inspirational quote for running and marathon runners

Inspirational quotes for winning in life good luck

Instead of stressing out and jinxing yourself for the worst, just focus of studying hard and beating everyone to come first. Good luck.

It doesn’t matter that you are setting up a home business. What matters is that you are going to bring home happiness with your professional success. Good luck mate.

It is good to be driven by measuring results and using a metric, but don’t forget that a business in its core is people centric. Good luck for your new business.

It is good to seek perfection but it is better to seek excellence. It is good to work hard but it is better to work hard smarter. It is good to study but it is better to learn. It is good to have a dream but it is better to actually pursue it. Good luck for college.

It will be difficult, you will face problems and there will be times when you feel like quitting. But don’t give up. Keep pushing on because in the end, it will all be worth it. Good luck.

It’s a job interview, not a rocket science exam. All the best.

Just before the last few miles, you will feel like dying from the pain. But just after the finish line, you will feel like you’ve been born again. Good luck.

Just remember – if you think that you are running slower than you should, then you are running at the right pace. Good luck.

Just remember that jobs, deadlines and projects will come and go, but the relationships you forge at work have the potential to turn into lifelong friendships. Have fun and enjoy your new job.

Just work hard and focus on your job… because luck truly favors the prepared.

Keep questioning yourself, because you never know how many answers you will need to find the path of life that you truly want to take. Good luck.

Knowing the kind of hard worker that you are, I know you will go far. Good luck.

Let books be your guiding light, but always let your heart show you the way. Good luck for college.

Let good luck be on your side always!

Let your enthusiasm negate and overpower any kind of pessimism that you may face in your first job. Good luck.

Let your hard work propel you to a speed so fast that good luck has no choice but to ride with a winner like you. All the best for your exams.

Life has dealt you a good hand… make the most of it. Good luck with your new job.

Life is what you make of it and I am happy to know that yours is filled with such good luck.

Life never seems to be the way we want it, but we live it in the best way we can. There is no perfect life but we can fill it with perfect moments.

Life’s real test was not the one that got you a degree, but the one that will begin with your first job. Congratulations and good luck.

Like you, people with perseverance, dedication, commitment, determination, fortitude and resilience rarely need to be wished good luck when they take on new endeavors. That is because they make their own luck wherever they go.

Looking at the amazing new job that you have got, it seems that you already have all the luck in the world. Do you mind passing some of it to me?

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. Good Luck

Luck chooses its recipients very carefully and it only comes to those who believe in themselves and those who are prepared to win. So be confident and don’t let the stress of your exams get under your skin. Good luck.

Luck has already played its part in getting you a new job. Now it’s all up to you.

Luck is a funny thing because sometimes it can be good and sometimes it can be bad. So take matters in your own hand, study hard and stop relying on something so fickle. All the best.

Luck is for the lazy, success is for those who work hard.

Luck is like a fashion trend, it comes and goes. But hard work is timeless, it always shows.

Luck is not found but made by those who are determined and you are one such person.

Luck is yours and wishes are mine, Let your bright future always shine. Good luck!

Luck? I don‘t rely on it. Anything thing is success – First of all it is a hard work, day after day, And everything you do must have a purpose. Also it is realizing what is the true opportunity and what is not. It is seeking for your goals with determination and belief. Being thankful for what you already have. Being positive and never looking back. Best wishes to you, pal.

Make friends for LIFE, create LIFE long memories and get an education that lasts a LIFEtime. Good luck for college LIFE.

Make sure you remember everything you study but don’t forget the most important thing – luck favors those who give it their best shot. Good luck.

Make the most of your exams because it is the only time your parents won’t mind if you stay up all night at the pretext of studying. Enjoy and good luck.

Marathon imitates life – never give up. Good luck.

Marathon is a funny race. You will feel Strong at the starting line. You will feel Weak at mile 15. You will feel Pathetic at mile 20. You will feel Dead at mile 23. But at mile 26.2, you’ll feel the Strongest.

Marathon is a sport where you… don’t worry about your opponents, worry about the distance. Don’t worry about speed, worry about endurance.

Marathon is a way of life quote for running keeping fit

Marathon is the secret acronym for Motivation Ambition Redemption Aspiration Tactful Heroic Optimism and Never-give-up.

Marathons are not about testing your limits. They are about finding out how far you can push them.

May each day bring you new hopes and the enthusiasm to explore new aspects of life! Wish you all the best!

May God give you the courage to face all the challenges with a smile!

May God stay with u this day & give u peace of mind. May God give u a happy heart & his love all the time. Good luck

May luck be by your side and confidence be in your stride. May you finish your job interview with success and pride. Good luck.

May the grace of God be with you, protecting you always from any harm! Best wishes and good luck!

May the love, like rose, always fill your life with its fragrance. Wishing you a long and happy married life!

May you always be at the right place at the right time!

May you be your boss’ pet, colleague’s best mate and the life of after work parties. Good luck for your first job.

May you cross all the hurdles of life with ease and emerge a winner.

May you find as much joy in your life as you have luck my sweet friend.

May your first job be awesome and may it set the tone for the rest of your career. Good luck.

May your first job show you a glimpse of the outstanding career path you are about to carve for yourself. Good luck.

May your new business get you lots of fortune, name and fame. I wish you good luck in reaching the top of your game.

Meaning of some colors, Yellow for special friend, white for peace, orange 4 luck, black for hate, red for love and pink for likeness, So i choose for u Orange Flower. Wish u good luck

Men run 100m races, beasts run marathon… bring out the beast within. Good luck.

More number of good people like you need to start their own businesses for the world to become a better place. Good luck.

Most people in this world run after a higher pay, better perk or bigger promotion. You are courageous enough to run after your dream and passion. Good luck for your new business.

Motivate others, don’t cut corners. Try not to be rude, carry a positive attitude. Use your brains, not your brawns. Depend on hard work, not just sheer luck.

Motivational message for marathon runners to wish good luck

Motivational message to work hard for success not luck

Motivational quote to give best wishes for a job interview

My heart is filled with joy at the sound of your good news. Best of luck to you dear friend.

My heart is flowing with joy at knowing that good luck has finally fallen upon your doorstep.

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that my young boy would grow up into a man who would one day become his own boss. Son, good luck for your business.

never say u r happy when u r sad.. never say u r fine when u r not ok.. never say u feel good when u feel bad,.. never say u r alone when i m still alive... good luck and best wishes for ever.............

Never turn your back even on small problems and never be afraid to face big adversities. Never look back at your small mistakes and never stop thinking about your big dreams. Never give up when you fail and never quit looking for the epitome of success. Good luck for college.

No matter how delicious are the meals you serve up at your new restaurant, always remember that a heart of a business lies in customer service. Wishing you good luck.

No matter how hard you train, if you don’t believe that you can finish, you never will. Train hard, believe harder.

No matter where you go, no matter what you become, the experience of your first job will be a memory so beautiful and awesome. Good luck.

Nobody became great overnight. Different people have different ways to get there but one thing that they all have in common is that they START.

Nothing can come in-between you and your destiny, if you grab hold of every opportunity. Nothing can come in-between you and your fate, if you strive to be great. Nothing can come in-between you and success, if you give it your best shot and nothing less. Good luck for your exams.

Nothing can stop you from doing your best, nothing can pull you down – as long as you start studying hard and stop fooling around. Good luck.

Now that you got your first job, you will finally be able to put up something meaningful on your LinkedIn profile. Good luck.

One last piece of advice before you leave for college – you may not always be right but you will always be fine as long as you do the right thing. Good luck son.

Only star students like you get picked straight from college classrooms into company boardrooms. Good luck.

Only the best things happen to best friends like you. Best wishes for your job interview, hope you give it your best shot.

Opportunities may come to people who are at the right place at the right time. But success comes to people who persist. Good luck.

Ordinary people know their limits. Marathoners know how to push them.

Our mistakes are painful, However we have to be thankful for them, Cause those mistakes, if you learn from them, Will lead you to success. Good luck!

Owning a business is like being President of a country – you can call the shots but you also have to bear the brunt of failure. Good luck.

Passing your exams with good grades will gradually make a strong foundation which will help you create rainbows even when you face severe storms in life. Good luck.

Past is the experience, present is the experiment And future is the expectation. I wish you to use you experience wisely in your experiments, So that all your expectations come true. Good luck to you!

People have dreams to become happy. But you have dreams that will make you money, which will eventually make you more than happy. Good luck.

People like you with a high risk appetite also have a higher appetite for success. Wishing you the best for your new venture.

Pray to God your new venture brings success and happiness to your life. - See more at:

Rain of summer, snow of winter, grace of autumn, glory of spring, May beauty of every season give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile. May God Rain of summer, snow of winter, grace of autumn, glory of spring, May beauty of every season give ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile. May God suceed u in every exams of ur life. Good luck & all the best

Push your limits quote marathoners and ordinary people

Real businessmen know that you cannot be successful by chance. Success is a result of courageous choices based on an enterprising vision and good business ethics. Wishing you success in your startup.

Remember that failure will defeat losers But the same failure will inspire the winners. I wish you to be always the winner, good luck!

Right now, I am wishing you good luck for getting a job. Very soon, I will be wishing you congratulations.

Right now, your first job will seem like your life’s biggest challenge. But decades down the line, it will become one of your life’s most innocent and precious memories. Good luck.

Run a marathon as if your entire life depends on it – and you will never stop before the finish line. Good luck.

Run a marathon, you will unlock the true meanings of FOCUS and ENDURANCE.

Running a marathon is not an event, it is a way of life.

Running a marathon successfully is 0.5% Training, 0.5% Diet and 99% Determination. Go for it.

Running a marathon? Don’t let adrenalin get the better of you at the starting line. You’ll need heaps of it later. Good luck.

Running marathons is not something you train for temporarily. It is a lifestyle and a school of thought.

Sales figures will skyrocket and losses will plummet, now that your company has access to your amazing intellect. Good luck.

Sending you happy thoughts and lots of luck as you move forward with your life.

Sending you thoughtful wishes in all life’s endeavors. Good luck to you now and always.

Since you are about to begin a new life with the love of your life I wish you all the best for your future.

Since you have tons of determination and pluck, the last thing you need in your business is good luck. Wish you the best.

Smile knowing that good luck has finally found you. Wishing you plenty of joy, happiness, and health.

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