17 November 2015

Good Luck Messages-2

A job interview is just a little pebble in the garden of your life which is lined with flowers of success. Good luck.

A job interview is not a test of your knowledge, but your ability to use it at the right time. Good luck.

A marathon is an event where everyone is equal and ordinary at the starting line and a legend is born at the finish line.

A marathon is less a test of your physical strength and more a test of your will power.

A marathon is not about winning, it is about completing. A marathon is not about rapid gains, it is about ability to endure pain. A marathon is not about the thrill, it is about stamina and skill.

A marathon isn’t a test of excellence, it is a test of endurance.
A marathon will help you discover the strengths you never knew you had. Go for it.

A new business is like a new baby – you have to give it birth, nurture it, feed it and grow it until it begins to function by itself. Good luck with your new baby.

A new job means new friends, new experiences, new mentors, new perks and new problems. Good luck in welcoming a new phase of your life.

A success that comes after hard work is always sweeter than one earned easily.

A sweeter smile, a brighter day, hope everything turns out better for you tomorrow. May Allah be always with you. Good Luck

A ten minute slot– that’s the time frame to show them what you’ve got. Good luck.

A word of advice as you start your first job – a job is only as good as the person doing it. Good luck.

All I wish for you is happiness. May the smile on your lips never fade!

All the best for a bright future! May there be success at every turn of life and all your dreams come true!

All the mistakes you have made in your life so far are now a thing of the past. Your first job is a new beginning and a fresh start. It is your opportunity to put your life in the direction that you want to… make the most of it. Good luck.

All your life you have learnt what your teachers wanted to teach you. Your first job is your chance to learn the skills that you want to. Good luck.

Although there is no perfect life, But we are able to fill it with lots of perfect moments. Good luck to you!

Although you are fresh out of college, you also have well rounded knowledge which I hope your new boss will acknowledge. Good luck with your first job.

Although you‘ll meet people who will hate you, Shake you or break you, However how strong you will stand is what makes you! Best of luck to you!

Always remember that even when your luck runs out, your skills and experience will always bail you out.

Always remember that pressure is what makes a diamond from lumps of coal. So don‘t be afraid of it. Take care and good luck to you.

Always remember that your employers haven’t done you a favor by giving you this job. You are so good that they had no other option. Good luck for your first job.

An exam is not just about finishing just another paper. It is a chance to do well and silence your naysayers. Good luck.

An exam is not only a test of your academic knowledge, it is a test of your calmness, stability and courage. All the best.

Anyone can get good academic records and recommendations from professors. But not everyone can get your smartness and confidence. Good luck in your first job.

Are you hungry? Never mind I have two bowls, 1 for wishes and 1 for luck. Wishes are mine and luck is yours. you can take it or leave it, choice is yours.

As an employee, you were prepared to stay in office until late night. As an entrepreneur, you will have to be prepared to spend the whole night in office. Good luck with your new enterprise.

As an entrepreneur, you have given yourself the potential to change one life every single day. Good luck for your startup.

As long as you are brave, luck will be by your side. And even during the moments when it isn’t, your braveness will help you find a way out. Be brave, good luck for your new job.

As long as you are honest, you will be the best and pass this acidic test. Good luck for the interview.

As long as you have hard work in your stride, good luck will always be by your side. Best wishes for the first day of college.

As long as you serve your customer like a king, you will be royally successful. Good luck in running your new franchisee.

As long as your heart tells you that you’re on the right path, as long as your gut tells you that you’re doing the right thing – never look back because you’ve just got wings. Good luck for college.

As you begin your new job, just remember that even the smallest of achievements can have the biggest of impacts on your life. Good luck.

As you leave for college I just have one thing to say to you son – be brave, be curious. Good luck.

As you start a new business, I wish that failure is behind you, success is in front of you and luck is by your side.

As you take your first baby steps towards becoming an IT entrepreneur, always remember that the ability to make fancy software and expensive gadgets does not always lead to success. It is the ability to adapt them to become useful in the lives of ordinary people is what leads to success. Good luck for your IT startup.

As your girlfriend, it is my responsibility to wish you good luck for your exams with a hug and reward you with a sweet kiss if you do well. Here’s a hug and I hope that you earn your kisses. All the best.

Bad grades like your exes. Best forgotten, because you know that you can do much better. All the best.

Bagging this job will be a life changing experience, but if you don’t get it, your life won’t change. So relax and do your best.

Bagging your first job is just one of the many accomplishments you are about to achieve in your professional life. I hope you will soon start bagging promotions, better perks and higher pay. Good luck.

Be nice to your new colleagues, but don’t forget to keep in touch with your old ones. Learn as many new things you can in your new job, but don’t forget what you learned in your old one. Good luck.

Be ready to work hard – this is the only way you can prepare yourself for college. Good luck.

Before you begin your first day at college, just remember that the difference between being good and being great is the difference between listening and understanding. Good luck.

Being lucky is all about the attitude you carry. If you stop relying on luck… you won’t need it at all.

Being successful in exams and tests is a simple two step process – believe in yourself and back it up with plain old hard work. Good luck.

Best wishes for students giving an exam

Best wishes for those who believe in Struggle!

Better grades can get you a better job, better car, and a better life. Exams are worth the trouble after all. Good luck.

Care for the one who shares with U, Share with the one who knows U, Know the one who misses U, MISS the one who well wishes for U, Wish u a very Good Luck!

Coffee runs, photocopying and filing paperwork – these are some of the unofficial tasks of your job description as a new recruit. Good luck and have fun.

College – the only place where your parents will pay for you to stay, eat, sleep and party. Have fun, good luck.

College is a race but don’t worry about crossing the finish line first. This race is less about reaching fast and more about understanding HOW and WHY you reached the finish line. Good luck.

College is all about building – building friendships, building experiences, building connections, building relationships and more importantly, building your future. Good luck.

College is all about LEARNING – Listen, Experience, Aspire, Reflect, Nurture, Imagine, Network and Grow. Good luck.

College is the pinnacle of education and the beginning of your career. The amount of hard work you put in now will determine how well you life your life later. Good luck.

College will be a wonderful journey which will be beautiful and bad, exciting and exhausting, unique and ugly, happy and horrendous, charming and cute, lovely and lonely. Good luck.

Complete that marathon – it will be the ultimate revenge against everyone who said you couldn’t do it.

Congratulations in advance. Against you, nobody else will stand a chance. Good luck.

Curiosity may have killed the cat but don’t let the lack of it make you as good as dead. Good luck for college.

Do you want to know a secret way to get your parents to stop nagging, grounding and advising you throughout the year? Just do well in your exams. Good luck.

Do you worry about losing before you start playing ball with your friends? Then why worry about failing before you even start giving your exams? Good luck mate.

Don’t be afraid to take decisions and never be afraid to fail – this should be your motto as you start your first job… because you really have nothing to lose. Good luck.

Don’t be bound by how much you are paid in your job. Work as if you are being paid millions, and you will open up doors to endless possibilities. Good luck.

Don’t believe in rebirth? You will, after your marathon. You will feel reborn the minute you cross that elusive finish line.

Don’t e nervous and don’t fret. You’ll bag this job in a jiffy, I bet. Good luck.

Don’t let anything come in-between you and your destiny because nothing is worth giving up on your dreams. Good luck.

Don’t let shabby grades smear your beautiful personality. Good luck.

Don’t let these puny exams get in the way of your big dreams and ambitions. Save all the stress for bigger things in life. Good luck.

Don’t look at your future job as being larger than life. A job is only as large as the person chosen to do it. All the best.

Don’t think of yourself as a newbie on the new job. Always remember that you have been hired because the company saw you as a value addition to their team. Good luck.

Don’t try to be the person everyone around you wants you to be. Make sure every day of your college life is dedicated towards being the person you see yourself becoming. Good luck.

Don’t worry about deadlines, don’t worry about meetings, don’t worry about promotions, don’t worry about late evenings. Don’t worry about nasty colleagues, don’t worry about having a nasty boss… just enjoy your new job and let your worries go for a toss. Good luck.

Encouragement for marathon runners good luck greeting card message

Encouraging message quote for students good grades exam

Entrepreneurs don’t wait for chances, they create them – just like you did. Good luck for your new venture.

Every dreamer is not a doer and every doer is not a dreamer. You have the deadly combination of being a dreamer and a doer. Good luck for your business.

Every exam is a step on the ladder of your life. Do well so that you have something rock solid to hold it all together. Good luck.

Every party that you missed and every holiday that you did not take with your friends for studying hard in college has finally paid off. Good luck for your first big role.

Every time you feel low, every time you feel tired, every time you feel like giving up – remind yourself that education is the only asset in your life which will never depreciated and will never be written off. Good luck.

Everyone can run a few miles, only winners can run a marathon.

Everyone knows you are the best student out there. All you need to do is work hard and revise with care. Good luck.

Exams are like ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends. Their thoughts harass you until late at night, turn your life upside down and cut you off from the rest of the world. All you can do is get over them as quickly as you can. Good luck.

Exams don’t test your knowledge as much as they test your state of mind. Be relaxed and calm down, I am sure you will do fine. Best wishes to you.

Exams may be compulsory but stressing out about it is a choice that isn’t. Good luck.

Express yourself, commit yourself, focus yourself and enjoy yourself – college is a journey where forgetting to do any of these will cause a lot of regret later in life. Good luck.

First job advice – never underestimate the value of a helpful colleague and never overestimate the value of an arrogant boss. A helpful colleague will Stand By Your Side when things go wrong while an arrogant boss will simply Brush You To The Side. Good luck.

First job, first cubicle, first colleague, first team, first boss, first monthly review, first performance appraisal, first promotion… phew, you have so many firsts to look forward to. Good luck.

First jobs are like first girlfriends and boyfriends – you can hate them but never forget them. Good luck.

Fly in the plane of ambition and land in the airport of success. Luck is yours, wish is mine. May your future always shine. Good Luck

For a marathon, you can plan and strategize all you want but when your legs give away with a mile left to the finish line, there is just one thing you need to remember – RUN AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.

For enterprising businessmen like you, every obstacle presents an opportunity which is new. Good luck for your business.

Forget about acceptance. Forget about rejection. Focus on what’s in-between – your interview. Good luck.

Forget about quitting, And think only about winning. Keep running no matter what. Belief and courage is all you need. Go ahead and do it, I bet you‘ll be the winner. Best of luck to you!

Forget all the advice that anyone has ever given you. Just remember one thing – you can do it.

Forget the cliché wishes about promotions and success. I just hope that the after office drinks at your new workplace are nothing but awesome. Good luck.

Forget the miles, just remember the glory. Good luck.

From working for a good company to taking a career leap into a better one, you have poised yourself for greater heights. I wish you the best.

Funny good luck message for students about bad grades and exams

Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it. Good Luck

Give your unique skills and talents the freedom to bloom uninterruptedly so that you can add value to your company’s performance organically. Good luck for your first job.

Go out there and show the company, for them you are the one who’s meant to be. Good luck.

Go to parties and have all the fun you want. But don’t forget the most important reason for which you got into college – creating the foundation of the rest of your life. Good luck.

Good grades are life’s way of saying that there is a bright future in store for you. Good luck.

Good Luck Card     Bury your worries with a sunset and wake up fresh with new hopes every morning. Good luck!

Good Luck Card     Wishing you good luck in what you have planned to do.

Good luck dealing with dirty office politics, manipulative colleagues and nasty office gossip that hits you where it hurts. Apart from this, I hope you enjoy your new job.

Good luck greeting card message

Good Luck Messages     You can't be successful if you don't try; failures always take you a step closer to success

Good luck quote for students giving exams

Good luck strikes when you least expect it too. Guess what, it just struck you with this message. All the best.

Good luck to you and remember to keep your head up high for all the days of your beautiful and wonderful life.

Good luck to you as you move toward the next chapter life brings your way.

Good luck wish for job interview to write in a greeting card

Good Luck Wishes     Here's wishing you good luck for a bright and prosperous future.

Good things happen to good people, which is why you have good friends like me who wish you nothing but good luck in your new job. xoxo

Graduates only have degrees, but you have the biggest qualification of life – dedication. Good luck.

Happiness as light as air. LOVE as DEEP as OCEAN. Friends as solid as diamonds and success as bright as gold. These r my wishes 4 you today n everyday... Good luck

Hard times are like a washing machine, they twist, turn and knock us around, but in the end we come out cleaner, brighter and better than before. Good luck!

Have faith in your dreams always as only then you can reach your destination.

Height of Good Luck ...! Teacher: Hey! Stand up. Tell me two pronouns. . . . Student: Who? Me? Teacher: Very Good, Sit down :D

Here’s to hoping good luck continues to follow you for all the rest of your days my friend.

Here’s to wishing you the best of luck in all life has to offer you.

Honest entrepreneurs like you are crazy about power – not to show off but to make a difference in the lives of others. Good luck.

How far can you push your limits marathon quote motivational

Hundreds and thousands of people in the world give exams every day. Surely, something so common and ordinary can’t be too difficult. Good luck.
I am not going to wish you good luck. Awesome students like you never need luck to be by their sides – they create their own destiny. Go for it.

I am overjoyed to know that your life is filled with such good luck and may it always be that way.

I am thrilled to know that luck has finally found you. Warmest wishes my friend.

I can wish you all the luck in the world, but it is useless if you forget that your destiny is under your control and no one else’s. Good luck.

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