17 November 2015

Good Luck Messages-4

So glad to hear about your promotion. May your life always be filled with such good luck.

So happy to hear your wonderful news. Here’s to wishing you the best of luck!

Some people get complacent with their permanent jobs and keep working until they retire. Some people are focused and career oriented and motivated enough to switch jobs for better pay and better opportunities. But very few people like you are brave enough to step out o the comfort zone in an attempt to create business and a legacy. Congratulations and good luck.

Starting a new business is like writing that chapter in the book of your life which will make it a bestseller. Good luck.

Stealing the blue from the splashing seas, A tinge of green from the youthful trees, A bit of orange from the sunset hues, With crystal white from the morning dews, I have framed a bright and colourful wish Just for you...............Good Luck!

Stop feigning nervousness before exams just so that you can get your friends to pamper you and reassure you that you are brilliant. xoxo.

Studying hard is the best form of luck that you can ever have. So what are you waiting for? All the best.

Success at a new job hinges on how well you can use the experience of your previous one. Good luck.

Success cannot be permanent As well as failure is never final, So never stop trying, Never give up and always seek for your goals!

Success comes only to those who believe in themselves and are prepared to win.

Success comes to those who always have their gaze fixed at the peak of the mountain.

Success comes to those who do not hesitate and wait, But to those who are ready for it. Best of luck to you!

Success may come and go away, But your achievements will stay. Hard work may take fun of today, But it leaves all the things to cherish for tomorrow. Best of luck!

Succeed u in every exams of ur life. Good luck & all the best

The best part of your first job will be your innocent ignorance of the fact that your seemingly simple ideas have the power to change a company’s future. Good luck.

The best way to motivate yourself is to stop stressing about what’ll happen when things go wrong and start thinking about how awesome life will be when they go right. Good luck.

The biggest wish of an average employee is to become an employer. But you are a dreamer who has now become an entrepreneur. Good luck for your new project.

The blisters in your legs will be temporary but the glory of being a marathon runner is permanent.

The challenge of a marathon is such, that even the most successful people in the world start running marathons when they find life less challenging.

The courage to face them is the solution to all your problems.

The day you leave for college is the day you become responsible for your own future. Study hard, have fun, make good decisions and strive to make every single day a memory that you will cherish forever. Good luck.

The easiest way to do well in your exams is to treat them like a giant punching bag. Use all the strength of your memory and punch the daylight of your tests. All the very best.

The essence of an ordinary race revolves around finding out How Fast Can You Run. But the essence of a marathon lies in realizing How Much Can You Endure.

The fact that you competed with hundred other applicants and bagged your new job speaks volumes about your merit. Good luck, although people with merit already have luck by their side.

The first advice I will give you for your first job is to inculcate the discipline to be the first one to reach office every day. Success will follow. Good luck.

The first day of college will be like your first kiss. It will start before you even realize and by the time it ends you will have no idea what happened. Good luck.

The first time is always awkward for everyone. Good luck.

The good luck you have made for yourself is an inspiration to many. May it continue throughout your life.

The hardest worker is not necessarily the smartest one. The smartest worker is not necessarily the hardest one. So play it safe by working hard and working smart at the same time. Good luck for your first job.

The joy of your first promotion or the joy of switching to a better job – none of these will match up to the priceless joy of earning your first paycheck. Good luck and congratulations for your first job.

The later stages of a marathon are an ugly fight between your mind and your body. Your mind will keep telling the body to run, while the body will start to give up. They will keep fighting until neither have the energy to fight any longer. This is when your heart must step in and convince both your mind and your body to keep going. That’s exactly why, marathon runners have strong bodies, stronger minds and the strongest of hearts.

The only difference between a new recruit and an intern is that one is paid to get bullied and the other is not. Good luck for you very first job.

The only thing you need to remember before starting your first job is that success is relative – you will get it only as much as you want it. Good luck.

The real motive of exams is not to test your knowledge, but a way to remind you how brilliant and intelligent you really are. Ace your exams and prove your worth. Good luck.

The secret of acing a job interview is to stop believing in luck and start believing in yourself. Best wishes.

The success of your job interview will be the first peak of your victorious career graph. Good luck.

The sweetest things in life are love and happiness. Wishing you good luck now that you have found that.

The toughest thing to handle in your job interview won’t be the interviewer or the questionnaire. It will be your own self-confidence. Good luck for your new job.

The trick to do well in a job interview is to understand that if you don’t get the job, it won’t be the end of the world but if you do, it will change your world. Good luck.

The trick to running a marathon successfully is the convert the Fear of stopping halfway into the Hope of going all the way.

There is No Royal Road to Success, But after Success Every Road Becomes Royal,

There is No Royal Road to Success, But after Success Every Road Becomes Royal, Best wishes for those who believe in Struggle!

There is no royal road to success, However when you become successful, Every road will be royal for you. Best of luck to you!

These exams are your opportunity at proving your worth to everyone around you. Grab it and do your best, don’t let it pass through. Good luck.

Think about each and every time someone has called you a loser. Now channel all that frustration, bottle it up and unleash it at mile 20 to push yourself all the way to the finish line.

Think of your job interview as a battle in which your work experience is your strategy, skills are your ammunition, nervousness is your enemy and confidence is your ally. Good Luck.

To accomplish great things, We must not only act, But also dream, Not only plan but also believe, Best wishes for your exam.

Train hard, run like there’s no tomorrow – success awaits you at the finish line.

Training for a marathon can be your worst nightmare. But if you pull through, the rewards will be your sweetest dream come true.

Training quote believe in yourself to win cross the finish line

Trusting God won't make the mountain smaller but it will make climbing easier. Hope you will be able to climb all your mountains always. Good Luck

Two best friends that you must take along for your interview – confidence and good luck.

University is where you will learn answers to a lot of life’s questions. But more importantly, you will question a lot of life’s answers too. Good luck.

Use your imagination – it is the only thing that will never run out. Good luck.

Watch, learn and create – let this be the mantra of your daily life at college. Good luck.

We need to be hurt sometimes In order to grow. We need to fail sometimes In order to gain. We need to loose sometimes In order to gain. Cause the best lessons in life Are learned through pain. Good luck!

When the world turns against you simply change your direction and walk away.

When things go wrong... when sadness fills ur heart... when tears flow in ur eyes...always remember 3 things 1---GOD 2---ur parents 3---my sincere prayers..... GOOD LUCK & God bless u.

Whenever you hit rock bottom, pat yourself in the back because you are still alive. Whenever you fail, smile because now you know what it takes to succeed. Good luck for college.

Wherever you go, there will always be people who will try to put you down. But at the end of the day, it is up to you whether you want to smile or frown. Good luck.

Whether it is new projects, team meetings or promotion, always aim to give 100% commitment and devotion. Good luck.

Whether you have profits, whether you have losses – when you come home you will always have my hugs and kisses. Good luck for the business, says your Mrs.

Will I be good enough for the job? Will this job be good enough for me? Two different attitudes – you choose. Good luck.

Wishing good luck continues to follow you all through your life, my friend.

Wishing you to fly in the plane of Ambition and Inspiration And land in the prosperous airport of Success. Best of luck to you!

Wishing you: Joy in our eyes, Love in your heart, Strength in your hands Talent in your mind And lots of happy moment in your life. Good luck!

Wishing you: Success – bright as gold, Friends – firm like diamonds, Love – deep like the ocean, Happiness – warm and shiny like the sun. Best of luck to you!

With my 1 Heart... 2 eyes... 5 litre blood... 206 bones... 1.2million Red Cells... 60 trillion D.N.A.'s... I wish u "All the very best of LUCK"...

You are a success story in-waiting. Good luck.

You are going to be a successful ENTREPRENEUR because you are Enterprising, Nimble, Thrifty, Resourceful, Enthusiastic, Persuasive, Resolute, Eager, Nifty, Ethical, Unique and Righteous. Good luck.

You are special not because you were in a good position in your previous job, but because you had the guts to leave and face destiny right in the eye by becoming an entrepreneur. Good luck.

You are the best. Good luck for your future!

You are the perfect candidate, the best that a company can ever get. Good luck.

You banked on your degrees to get your foot in the door. Now it is all up to you. Good luck.

You can either be proud of graduating from a prestigious college or you can make your college proud of having prestigious alumni like you – the choice is yours. Good luck.

You can get yourself a university degree by studying hard. You can learn a new professional skill by getting on the job experience. You can get a promotion by performing well in a job. But there is one thing that you cannot get unless someone gives it to you – luck, for which you have friends like me! Wish you good luck for your new job.

You can prepare well but if you don’t present well at the interview, you won’t get the job. You will never be able to present well if you don’t prepare well for the interview. All the best for striking a balance.

You can train and prepare for a marathon all you want but when you hit the wall, it’s all mind over matter.

You don’t need good luck, you need a wake up call to realize that you’re already a winner. Good luck.

You don’t need to prepare for your job interview – your life has been your biggest preparation. Good luck.

You have the sharpest memory anyone has ever got, so ace your exams by giving it your best shot. All the best.

You have chosen that path in life which many want to take but few actually dare to. Good luck with your new venture.

You shouldn’t be afraid of the job interview. Your interviewers should be afraid of assessing a talented candidate like you. Good luck.

You were one of the best employees in your previous job. I hope you carry on your legacy in your next job too. Good luck and have a good time.

You will do well in college, as long as you keep chasing excellence and keep running away from procrastination. Good luck.

Your asset of optimism will outperform your expenses, liabilities and make your business run into profits. I wish you good luck for your new business.

Your biggest asset is not your college degree, it is your enthusiasm. Use it in abundance. Good luck.

Your college degree may give you a foot in the door, but impressing your interviewers is the only way you’ll really score. Good luck for your first job.

Your college education won’t be a pillar of your life, it will be a ladder which will help you climb up to new heights. Good luck.

Your company has hit the jackpot by getting an employee as hard working, dedicated and committed as yourself. Use your new job as a platform to propel yourself higher and hit the jackpot of your career. Good luck.

Your company is lucky to have you as their new hire, for you are the kind of employee that every organization would desire. Good luck.

Your fate is in your hands, not in the hands of your job interviewer. Good luck.

Your experience is the Product. You are the Seller. Your job interviewer is a Customer and your interview is a Deal that you must make. Good luck.

Your first job doesn’t just mark the beginnings of your professional life, but new innings of your personal life too. Good luck.

Your first job is the first rung of the ladder which will lead you to success in your professional life. Good luck for taking the first step.

Your first job is the starting line of the marathon of your career. Make a good start but don’t hurry, else you will run out of steam before the finish. Good luck.

Your first job will be like your first love – adventurous and magical yet sometimes frustrating, but priceless in hindsight. Good luck.

Your hope is the source of light in your road to success, So never lose it. Wishing you all the best!

Your inexperience is not a liability, it is dead stock waiting to be converted into a revenue generating asset. Good luck for your first job.

Your interview is just that start of your story, much success in your life you are still yet to see. Good luck.

Your job interviewer’s questionnaire will be one of the first steps in your journey of becoming a millionaire. Good luck.

Your job interviewers don’t know how lucky they’re going to get today. Good luck.

Your job interviewers should get ready to receive the best surprise of their lives. Good luck.

Your new job is a blank canvas and a masterpiece in the making. All you have to do use your skills, knowledge and experience to turn it into an inspirational work of art. Good luck.

Your new job is a test, in which I hope you do your best. Just enjoy and don’t stress, hard work will yield success.

Your new job may be a game changer for your career, but it will be a life-changing experience for all the new colleagues who you will empower with your knowledge and expertise. Good luck.

Your new job presents a whole new range of opportunities including new colleagues to gossip about, new interns to make fun of, new bosses to curse and new company rules to break. Have fun and good luck.

100 m races make superstars, marathons make legends.

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