17 November 2015

Get Well Soon Messages-2

Get well soon! Everyone here misses your contagious smile. Nothing has been the same since you became ill. No one tells a joke like you do, so please hurry and get well fast!

Get well soon! Your family and friends miss you a lot, and look forward to your return. We all send our best prayers to you, and want you to know that you are greatly missed! So, take good care and return to us soon.

I suffer as you suffer. Let’s face it together and fight it out. Get well soon, my dear.

I heard about your sickness yesterday, and I want to let you know that I miss you and wish you a quick recovery. Know that I am really praying for you.

Your absence is hurting me, my friend. I can’t wait see you feeling well, and I know many others are praying for your quick recovery as well, and longing for the day you will come back home.

People here are missing you so much, especially your kindness and humor. Please recover quickly from your illness. We are praying for you day and night, friend.

I was so sorry to hear that you were taken to hospital last night. Let me convey my best wishes for a quick recovery from your illness, my friend.

Get well soon, so you can once again experience all the fun and delight that life has to offer!

This messages, has health-giving powers
And I’ve made it, just for you
I certainly feel much better
And I hope that you do, too..
Get Well Soon

U can get
New Job
New Car
New girlfriend
But u can’t get any thing
Without “good health”
As the saying is
“Health is Wealth”
So hope u will
“Get well soon”

Evey thing is boring
Without U
Nothing is same as B4
We all miss U
All hearts are praying 4 ur
Good health
Hope U will
“get well soon”
and join us back

?Happiness as light as air,
my wishes 4 u 2day n everyday
Get Well Soon

As rain covers the sun.
Truth covers the lies.
Angels cover the evil.
Flowers cover the garden.
I wish and pray
that happiness covers all the
worries of your life.
Get well soon dear….

God has the power to redeem every thing,
So like you,
Thanks him and pray for his goodness in your favor,
Never forget god in any tension,
Get well soon,

Get Ur sorry behind of that bed.
Try positive thinking 2 get back to work.
Your illness is all in Ur head!
At least that’s what we hope.
@@@Get Well Soon@@@

When u feel that
God is Rubbing you against Rocks
Do not lose Hope
The Truth is that
He Is Polishing a Diamond
Stay Precious!
God bless u always and get well soon.
Don’t b so selfish; don’t b a sloth;
Come back, so we all can rejoice!
We Miss U! And pray 4 U 2 get well soon!

I wish I had a magic wand
To make it go away;
I’d wave my scepter over u
Until u were okay.
Get well soon.

Hope this happy get-well note
Adds sunshine to ur day
And shows u that you’re thought of
In a warm and special way!
Get Well Soon

Even though you’re not feeling ur best
With a little time, good care & rest
It won’t be long until the happy day
When you’re feeling fine in every way.
Ger well soon dear.

May d Little Flower,
Laying In Gloom,
Rise and Bloom,
Swaying Endlessly,
This Way and That Way,
Morn To Dusk,
Everyday. Get Well Soon!

Hope you are up & Splashing Soon.
Get Well Soon!
Hope you
Get Back in the swing of things real soon.
all best wishes for you:)

Tackle life with all your skills
Overcome each and every hill
If u persist with all your will
U will enjoy your life and all its thrills.
Get Well Soon!

When you feel that
God is Rubbing U against Rocks
Do not lose Hope
The Truth is that
He Is Polishing a Diamond
Stay Precious!
Get well soon.

Heard that you”re not feeling well.
So brought flowers for you to
make you feel Healthier and Happier.
Get Well Soon!

Tonight all the stars came out to play a signal
But all of them are not shining,
Because they all know my friend is sick.
Get Well Soon!

Difficulties do not come to destroy you
But to help you
Realize your Hidden Potential & Power
Let difficulties Know that you are Difficult to Defeat
Get Well Soon!

The cross of Christ
shows us that God’s love
is of deepest descent…
universal distribution and
of eternal duration.
Get well soon

Get well quick, u lazy bum,
There’s lots of work to do.
If u stay sick, it’s more work for me,
And I’d rather it was for u.
Get well soon dear.

Be the sky above you,
Blue soft be the road below you,
Affection be the breeze around you,
I pray all the happiness surrounds you.
“Get Well Soon”

I very well know the reason,
why u r taking too long to recover,
u r relay being nurse-d there.
joke a part, but still,
wishing u speedy recovery

Heard that you”re not feeling well.
So brought flowers for you to
make you feel Healthier and Happier.
Get Well Soon!

You are feeling down
and so am i with u NOT around.
Hope you get back in
the swing of things real soon.
Get Well Soon…………..

Take good care of yourself, friend.
We hope to see you up and
running and back at garden again.
The place just isn’t the same without you.
Get Well Soon friend!

You mean a lot to me….
and so does your Health and Happiness.
So Here’s a wish to say
& Take good care of Yourself !

If wishes were flowers would send You A big bunch to say….
“Get Well Soon”

Early in the morning sun rise with many hopes but its set hopelessly.
All the flowers were bloom this evening with pleasant smell but its now wither awfully
n tonight all d stars came out to play a signal but all of them are not shining,
because they all knows my friend is sick.
Wish u a cure soon and healthy days ahead

May the little flowers lying in gloom,
Rise and bloom, swaying endlessly,
this way and that way,
morn to dusk everyday, Get well soon.

I hope you’re feeling better,
I miss you every day.
I’m always thinking of you,
So this is what I say,
Get Well Soon!

Why u choose this particular time to get sick,
Seems to us an insensitive choice.
So don’t be so selfish; don’t be a sloth;
Come back so we all can rejoice!
We Miss You!and pray for you to get well soon

Let’s go, get up, stop faking it;
Get your sorry behind off that bed.
Try positive thinking to get back to work.
Your illness is all in your head!
At least that’s what we hope.
Looking forward to your return.
Get Well Soon.

Just close ur eyes &
feel the bluish white rays of healing coming from god
pretend that u r become better & better
every moment,get well soon dear

I hope you’re feeling better, I miss you every day. I’m always thinking of you, so this is what I say, get well soon! You mean a lot to me and so does your health and happiness. So here is a wish to say and take good care of yourself!

All the water in the ocean could never sink a ship unless it gets inside.

All the pressures of life can never hurt you unless you let them in! Get well soon

Always remember to be happy because you never know who’s falling in love with your smile! Get Well Soon

Every day we clean our teeth with tooth-brush. Same way, let’s clean our mind, heart and soul with Truth-brush. Get Well Soon

Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery.

I heard you were feeling unwell. Here is to wishing you a speedy recovery.

These flowers represent hugs and kisses to tell you how I wish you were here, and not on that sick bed. Get well soon.

Like a flower in gloom, you lie helpless. Arise and bloom and dance like a fresh blade of grass to the drumming of the breeze of life. Arise and bounce back home like a ball. I wish you quick recovery.

I do not wish to consider why you are taking long to recover; no, you are not been nursed there. To be frank, I think I’m missing you badly, wishing you speedy recovery, for I can’t wait any longer. Get well soondear.

No sickness can keep you down with all the prayers I offer for your recovery. Rise up and be strong!

May the angels of good health visit your sick bed and raise you from every sickness. Get well soon. There are several reason why you shouldn’t remain on that sick bed; your friends and family loves, your friends and family miss you, your friends and famil

I hate to see you feeling blue so here is my get well wish to you.

Praying that you get well soon and experience the joys of being healthy again.

You are in my thoughts and prayers during your time of recovery.

I wish I was a magician so I could make you fit and healthy with the wave of a wand!

As the sun rises this morning, may you rise from every sickness and be whole again. Get well soon. Don’t worry dear; you are not in this alone. You will get through this in a short time. Get well soon. Please bounce back soon and come back to us. Life is

With good wishes and prayers that you get well soon.

I hope this get well wish brings a smile to your face. You are too beautiful to be feeling down.

May you enjoy this time off to put your feet up and recover fully. We hope that the next few weeks are filled with lots of rest and relaxation.

It has not been easy for me since I heard you were not feeling fine. I send you this message to let you know I’m thinking of you and hope you will get better soon; wishing you fast return to health.

I was saddened when I heard you were ill; here I brought you a bouquet of richflowery red rose as a sign of my love and strong hope for your health and happiness. Get well soon.

I wish I had a magic wand with which I can call you up from your sick bed; but I don’t, so I pray for you everyday to get well soon.

I’m really sorry to hear of your illness. We’re all thinking of you during this time and hope your recovery is a speedy one.

We are so eager to have you back with us. Arise and shine and bounce back to life. We wish you quick return to health.

I am heartbroken to learn of your ill health! I wish you speedy recovery so we can enjoy our lives together. Get well soon.

I miss your laughter and your vibrancy. Wishing you a fast recovery.

I hope you find fast healing with each and every day my sweet friend.

Sending sunshine to brighten your day. Get well soon my dearest friend.

May the prayers and blessings of good health I am sending with these flowers make your strong and healthy soon. Get well mate. 

1 Comment:

Stranger said...

It’s no secret that a man’s ego has a powerful pull on him.

In fact this hardwired need to impress and to WIN is so deeply embedded into the male mind...

That nearly everything a man truly desires is based around this biological “drive” to prove, succeed and to win.

It’s why so many men become workaholics, gym junkies or become obsessed with their hobbies.

But what most women don’t know...

...is how deeply this “drive” is connected to his love, desire, and attraction for the woman in his life.

And I’m about to show you how you can “tap into” a man’s ege to refocus that same drive and gut level obsession...

...on pleasing you, romancing you, and proving his love for you like you’re his sole purpose in life.

Here’s how: ==> The “Go Ahead” Signal That Makes Him Obsessed With Winning Your Love

Mr Gix

P.S. When you tap into a man’s ego this way, you can cause him to literally become obsessed with proving his love for you. So please don’t use this on a man unless you are ready for something serious.

Thanks again.