17 November 2015

Friendship Messages-8

I wanna keep3 things: . .
The MOON &
My friends
Sun 4 daytime
Moon for night time &
U.My dear friend 4 LIFETIME
One day Friendship & Love met one-another.
Love asked Friendship –“Why do You exist if I’m there?”
So Friendship said – “To give a Smile to those eyes in which You leave Tears.”
Meaning of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P
Fun…………That friends share when they are together.
Reliability….A true friend is someone that you can always rely on.
Interest…….Someone who is genuinely interested in u, ur fears, joys, and life.
Energy………They pick you up when you are down, and give you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.
Nothing……..Nothing is ever too much, no matter what time it is, night or day.
Distance…….Although the miles may separate you; a true friend is never far away.
Secrets…….. Your feelings and personal/private thoughts that you can only share with a friend.
Happiness……The way I feel when we are together.
Inseparable…. Through good times and bad, tears and laughter. A friend will always be there for you.
Perfect……..The friendship
A friend gives hope when life is low,
a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go,
a friend is honest, a friend is true.
A friend is precious a friend is u.
Moon said to me, if ur friend is not messaging u why dont you leave ur friend. I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine.
Friendship is a Golden Chain
Between 2 Hearts.
Sharing 8 Feelings.
A daily thought
A silent tear
A Constant wish that u r near…
Words are few but thoughts r deep…
Memories of our friendship i will always keep
SWEETHEART, is a special word for LOVE,
LOVE, is special word for CARE,
CARE, is special word for FRIEND,
and FRIEND, is special word for… ‘YOU”
Make a friend its a Gift !
Have a friend its a Grace !
Keep a friend its a Virtue but
Be a good friend its a honor !
How can U tell the rain not 2 fall when clouds exist?
How can U tell the leaves not 2 fall when wind exist?
How can U tell me not 2 fall in friendship when U exist.
When u rise up,
Your friend know who you are.
When you fall down,
You know who your friend are.
Flower are many
But i like rose.
Friends are many
But I like u.
When it hurts to look back, and you’re scared to look ahead,
you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
Friendship is all about 3 things
Losing n
Winning your friends heart,
Losing your ego and Sharing joys and sorrows.
A triangle has 4 end, square has 3 end, segment has 2 end,
but our friendship has no end.
If u r a chocolate u r the sweetest, if u r a Teddy Bear u r the most hugable, If u are a Star u r the Brightest, and since u r my ?FRIEND? u r the ?BEST?!
A Friend Is Someone
Who Knows The Song In Ur Heart
And Can Sing It Back To You,
When U Have Forgotten The Words..!!
Days r too busy, hours r too fast, sec r too few, but there’s always time for me to remember a nice friend like u
True friends are like Diamonds… they are real and rare.
False friends are like leaves… they are scattered everywhere.
Friendship is a priceless gift,
That cannot be bought or sold.
But it’s value is far greater,
Than a mountain of gold.
Having a good laugh with a friend like you stimulates endorphins,
the brain’s natural painkillers. So, if you need to laugh and
you can’t find a friend like yourself, I can lend you my mirror.
Met you, became friends, shared secrets, freaked out,
had fun, fought with you, Laughed with you, Smiled with you,
Cried with u, Hurt you, Teased you, And here i am, still thinking of u.. Long journey, huh!!? And we shall never let it end, right?
Just wanted u to know that my lovely friend, u r valued!!!
Friendship is just like cricket, so do not loose wickets.. if u loose that wickets may be you have a defeat… so don’t neglect friends.
If ur friendship be money, I’ll be richest man.
If ur friendship be pounds, I’ll be heaviest man.
If your friendship be love, I’ll be luckiest man.
But your friendship is trust & I’m the happiest man.
Seconds for Introduction,
Minutes for discussion,
Hours for attraction,
Days for construction &
years for relation is
Love is a diary that only 1 person writes but friendship is a public book where u study in library.
So what do u prefer?
A diary o a public book.
The best time of ur life are those when u say
“YES” i m fine, & u know that someone would look into your eyes
& say “ENOUGH, now tell the truth!”
Two things are never defined in whole life, 1 is LOVE:
Bcoz u never know who LOVES u how much. 2nd Friend:
Bcoz u never know how deeply they care About U.
Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of Love,
because Sun rises in the east and set in the west
but the Friendship rises in the Heart and sets after death.
It is not necessary to share everything between your true friends
But it is necessary that what u share must be true..
Friends are like sketch pens – they color your lives.
I may be not your favorite color but u will need me some day
to complete your picture..!!
in life..
some know you..
some remember you..
some like you..
some understand you..
some care for you..
but.. a TRUE FRIEND does all above & always hopes the best for you..
Meaning of Friendship : –
Some can give u Crying & tears.
Many othrs can give u Laughter & smiles.
But only rare can give u
Laughing tears & Crying smiles.
Those r simply called Friends.
Some one asked me 4 how long will u both be friends?
i remained silent bcoz
i didnt know which is longer..
I miss my Fr¡ends,
When I see some other Gang sitting around, caring, slapping each other.
Their mischievous smiles switching to loud laughter’s,
Though stranger to me, they represent a part of my life i lost somewhere, I miss my friends. I like you all, I love u all, Stay happy where ever you are.
Friends r like fishes.
U have to sit patiently for a long time to catch a good one.
Just like I caught u. so better stay nice otherwise
I will FRY YOU.. 
Unredtsanding btewene ecah ohter is rael fierndsihp eevn
we hvae so mnay msitkase lkie htis msseaeg, but i konw u cna raed wtihotu erorr.
That’s friendship. 
Distance never separates any relation & Time never build any relation. If Feelings are True From Heart,
Then ‘Friends are always “Friends” forever.
I’m Praying tht Our Friendship Will Never Come 2 an End..
I Wish that It will Last. . Until..
U Can see an Apple in an Orange Tree on the 30th Of Feb.
Death is not the greatest loss in life
The greatest loss of life is when relationship dies among us
while we r alive
So B strong in your Relations.
When ur friend lies to you, Its not his fault!
Actually its your’s..
B’coz you didn’t give him the proper space to tell the truth..!
Best lines by a best friend:
“It hurts me wen u talk to s0me0ne else n n0t me.. ..
it hurts even m0re wen s0me1 else makes u smile n i can’t . . .”
If god asks U to treasure the most important thing of ur life.
What would u treasure?
It must be a special friend who knows all ur secrets.
A friend is never a coincidence in your life,
They are meant to enter your life to bring you joy and laughter.
So, I will treasure the friendship between us.
Friend is a book with only one copy published.
You are one of the best books ever written.
A master-piece worth reading million times and to be kept for ever.
Friendship opens many doors, each with a different view.
But none could be more beautiful, than the one that leads to you..!!
Leave SOMETHING for friend..
Never Leave FRIEND for something..
coz in life, SOMETHINGS will leave u but FRIENDS will always live with u..
It is one of the severest tests of friendship to tell your friend his faults.
So to love a man that you cannot bear to see a stain upon him,
And to speak painful truth through loving words, that is friendship.
Lips do not join when we say LOVE.. that is “Sign of distance”
But lips join together when we say FRIENDSHIP.. That is “Sign of togetherness”
I may not be the most important person in your life
But i just hope that one day when you hear my name you would just smile & say hey!
That’s my friend.
A simple calculation on how long we will be lovely friends.
Count the stars in heaven + sand on the shore and multiply by the heartbeat = FOREVER
Silent and Listen are two words made of same Alphabets,but there is another speciality…..
i can Listen to you, when u r Silent…..that is friendship….
It takes half our life to find true friends & half of it keeping them.
I am lucky to have spent less than half my life finding you & wish to spend the rest keeping you.
My Frndshp is Lyk a Drug, 1ce u take it u cant avoid it,
wen u dnt get it u r sick, n wen u loose it u r destryd,
So beware of me n b my frnd 4evr….
Life is short but it’s very difficult to spend alone,
We need someone, with whom we can share our feelings,
And that’s why we make friends,
I’m thankful to god becoz he has give me a friend like U.
Â~»friendship improves happiness and abates misery,
By the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.
Good understanding between each other is real friendship
Eevn if we have so many msiunerdsantnding lkie tish msseaeg
Bt i konw u cna read it withotu msitaek.
A best friend is somebody who knows every last thing about
You, yet still manages to like you anyway.
Good friends care for each other.
Close friends understand each Other.
And true friends stays forever beyond words, beyond time.
Friends r like mornings u can’t have them the whole day,
But u can be sure they’ll b there when u wake up everyday.
A stone is enough to break a glass,
One sentence is enough to break a heart,
One second is enough to fall in love,
And one misunderstanding is sufficient to break friendship.
So Beware!!!
We’ve known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE,
Still friends by DECISION. And when we say FRIEND FOREVER,
That’s definitely a lifetime PROMISE!
How can u tell the rain not to fall when clouds exist,
How can u tell the leaves not to fall when wind exist,
How can u tell me not to fall in friendship when you exist.
I may not be a clock that may text you 24hrs a day.
But my heart will be like a clock that will not stop caring
Saying u r always remembered. Take care my friend.
I wonder why the stars shine even if i am sad,
I wonder why the birds still fly even if i cry,
I wonder why the sun still smiles even if i am blue,
Bcoz the world is telling me i still have a friend like you!!!
The one who holds your hand every time surely a good friend,
But a best friend is the one who holds your hand more tightly,
When you say leave me alone!!
When U win,
I’ll proudly tell the world “Hey! That’s my friend!”
But when U lose,
I’ll sit by Ur side, hold Ur hand and say, “hey I’m Ur friend”
We may never meet often but i will always remain your S.P.A.C.E
A-around u
Think about this my friend.
When a person can find sorrow behind your smile,
Words behind your silence,
Love behind your anger;
You can believe that person is your true friend.
Wats d true meanin of frndshp? wher ther r no compromise in tellin secrets, n der is no secret for which u need compromise…
A star has 5 ends,
A square has 4 ends,
A triangle has 3 ends,
A line has 2 ends,
A life has 1 end,
But,I hope our friendship will be like a circle,
Which has no end.
Everyday I see lots of strangers passing by me
This makes me realised that,
Life would be boring, without a friend like you.
Hearts could only love for a while,
Feet could only walk for some miles,
Clothes won’t forever be in style,
But having You as my Friend is forever worthwhile.
Best friends are like pairs of scissors…
When together they often go in different directions
But they give punishment to those
Who dare to come between them!
Heart is like a crystal- preserve it, love is like a perfume- spread it, feelings are like flood- let it flow, friendship is like an umbrella- come lets share it.
If ever I sent U a bunch of roses, I will put 1 fake plastic rose in between,
And make a wish that, Our friendship should last till the last rose dies….
Our friendship is like the hands of clock
Though we are in the same clock, we r not able 2 meet
Even if we meet.. It is only for few minutes
But still our friendship runs non-stop.
You can buy gifts but not love.
You can pretend smile but not happiness.
You can lie to others but not to yourself.
You can have another friend but not as cute as I am!
Life taught me many things,
Some sweet moments some bitter ones,
Some I remember some I forgot,
But what remained always was our precious friendship.
Wonderful people are carefully created by god,
Wonderful moments are carefully planned by god,
Wonderful friends like u are carefully gifted by god.

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