13 January 2016

Best Romantic Love Messages-2

   “Placing someone above you is an impossibility.”

  “Dreams are what we aspire to have or do in life, but the only dreams I have are of you.”

   “Love is the beginning of everything in life; it leads to unimaginable happiness.”

  “When I dream, all my dreams are of you. The countless nights I used to stay awake are gone as I can’t wait to be in your dreamy embrace.”

   “If I run away with you, does that mean that we will never be apart? If so, I will start running as long as you follow.”

   “If loving you means that I have to spend the rest of my life afraid that you’ll let go, it is well worth it.”

   “Thousands of smiles have crossed my face all thanks to you. It’s amazing how in one second, love can make you smile, laugh, cry and feel complete.”

   “In your eyes I see hope, I see dreams, I see that the world isn’t as simple as people make it out to be. The world is complex, and that complexity is only displayed when you love someone more than you love yourself.”

   “The night may be cold, the night may be dark, but the night is my favorite time of day because I am in your arms.”

   “Falling in love with just you, again and again and again, seems like the best way to spend a life.”

   “The stars in the sky may twinkle at night, but your love is the light of my life.”

   “If you view love as a never-ending journey, you will see that it started the moment I met you and has ceased to end.”

   “The blazing hot sun doesn’t have the same burning passion that I have for you.”

   “What have I always wanted? This is a question often asked, but the answer is always the same: you.”

   “Men are already in love the moment they see a woman, but when she speaks and listens to him, that is forever.”

   “The beginning of all the knowledge and passion in love starts with one thing: a loving heart.”

  “I think a soul is comprised of two people’s hearts that have melded together in love.”

   “Deeply loving someone can take away your heart, but it can also give you a strength and passion that you never realized was possible.”

   “The happiest time in my life is occurring as we speak. I have never been as happy or complete as I am with you.”

   “Words will never hurt as much as losing the one person you truly love.”

   “Love is like an attack that is meant to hit all of your senses at one time. Your heart, head, eyes, lips, smell – everything. It just seems like the world comes to life when you’re in love.”

  “How many times have you crossed my mind? I’m not sure you ever actually left.”

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