15 January 2016

Exams Messages - 2

If Class Is Not A Place To Sleep.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . Then Home Is Not A Place To Study. A Student Service Msg...!

AN ANALOGY FOR ALL COLLEGE LECTURERS: They teach us to make "PLAIN RICE" in class & expect from us to cook "BIRYANI" in exams...!! ;) :D :P

I Cried When I Failed In 2 Subjects, . . . . . . But . . . . . . I laughed When I Came To Know My Friend Failed In 5 Subjects... ;-) :-P

All i want you is to be courageous Be calm and be self equipped with facts and figures to conquer this exams battle. I wish you is best of luck in your exams

Air and students have the same mentality Dont you know how ? Both keep turning book's pages without reading

Air & students hv d same mentality How? ? ? ? ? Both r turning d book's pages without reading.

The funniest situation in student life when we have no idea what to write in the exam paper n the supervisor comes and says, "please cover your answer sheet" :P

Some one asked about my past I replied - SCHOOL: 2 + 2 = 4. HOMEWORK: 2 + 4 + 2 = 8. EXAM: Juan has 4 apples, His train is 7 minutes early, Calculate the suns mass :D

SILENCE Is d best Answer for all questions SMILE Is d best Reaction in all situations Unfortunately BOTH Never Help In any EXAM, VIVA, REVIEW & INTERVIEW :P:)

According to newton's 4th law for exams- every book will continue to be at rest or covered with dust until some external or internal exam moves it!

A student grabbed a coin, Flipped it in the air & said, "Head, I go to sleep." Tail, I watch a movie. If it stands on the edge I'll study:p

A ThermoMeter is n0t the 0nly thing that gets a "DEGREE" without having a "BRAIN"...! :p A silent msg f0r all studnts;-)

May your exams be like the pieces of chocolate cake, very easy and satisfying and tasting marvellous. A lot of love for a nice person and wish you good luck.

Little johnny: Mam,will you punish me for something that I didn't do ? Teacher : Not at all. Little johnny : That's good. Actually i didn't do my homework!

Lovely days in my life : Childhood days, School days & collage days, Horrible days in my life : "only exam days"

Innocent Line written On T-shirt of A Student.. > > 'Student are not Cheaters we just really enjoy having the Same answers..' ;-) B-)

It takes 15 trees to produce the amount of paper that we use to write one exam. join us in promoting the noble cause of saving trees. SAY NO TO EXAMS.

A good teacher according to students is 1 who : -Should Be Absent At Least 3 Times A Week -Should Come In Class 10mins Late And Left The Class 10 Mins Earlier -Should Not Give Any Homework And Assignments -Should Not Ask Any Questions To Students -Should Not Disturb The Students By Teaching While They Are Talking

A GENIUS Is A Person Who Can Do For $1 What Any Fool Can Do For $100" -As Such V Complete Syllabus In 1 Day, That Lecturers Try In 1 Semester !!

What is the true meaning of 'Study'?? . . . . . . S. Sleeping T. Talking U. Unlimited sms D. Dreaming Y. Yaani mast life SO carry on study..!! Plzzzzz.

It takes 3 months for a writer 2 months for a doctor 1 month for a lawyer and only 1 night before exam for a student to read a 1000 pages book. All the best!

The most "hungry + sad" moment . . . When you're sitting in the examination hall, feeling hungry & then the invigilator is served hot "tea with samosas".

80% Of The Final Exam Will Be Based On . . . . . . . . . The One Lecture You Missed And The One Topic You Didn't Read.

Bad grades like your exes. Best forgotten, because you know that you can do much better. All the best.

Make the most of your exams because it is the only time your parents won’t mind if you stay up all night at the pretext of studying. Enjoy and good luck.

Luck is a funny thing because sometimes it can be good and sometimes it can be bad. So take matters in your own hand, study hard and stop relying on something so fickle. All the best.

These exams are your opportunity at proving your worth to everyone around you. Grab it and do your best, don’t let it pass through. Good luck.

An exam is not just about finishing just another paper. It is a chance to do well and silence your naysayers. Good luck.

Good grades are life’s way of saying that there is a bright future in store for you. Good luck.

Luck chooses its recipients very carefully and it only comes to those who believe in themselves and those who are prepared to win. So be confident and don’t let the stress of your exams get under your skin. Good luck.

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