14 January 2016

Sweet Romantic and Beautiful Love Words - 3

I miss that cure smile and your fun-filled laughter. 
I can't wait to set my eyes on you my love. 
I am miss you like badly.

I know you have not fully understood how really I am missing you. 
If you do, you will be here by now. 
Tears in my eyes.

The breeze might choose to cease, and the sun to cease to shine. 
All I care is for your eyes to meet mine. Longing to see you.

When the going gets tough, I choose to stand by you. 
Pledging my undying love, I promise to ever stay with you.

We won't be worst of enemies never but I will forever remain the best friend of you. 
I love you.

When your love gives little and even when it gives nothing, I will ever pledge my allegiance to you. 
I wouldn't do less because I do love you.

I am ever with you with my passion unwavering. 
 Clinging more in love to you and my devotion unswerving. 
I love you.

I didn't just allow my tongue and lips to blab. 
When I say I love you, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

The day you have the idea of how much I love you is the very day my love would mean nothing to you anymore. 
Don't want this to happen!

You might not mean everything to me. 
But you mean a dream come true and destiny fulfilment to me. 
I love you.

Under any kind of weather, come what may, I will stand by you. 
I love you.

Your love is worth being kept forever and it sure a promise I will keep. I love you.

I wouldn't let this joy end. 
I wouldn't let this moments of bliss bid its goodbye. 
I stay forever with you, for I don't want to lose you.

I choose to stay and stand with you forever, because it's worth it all the way! 
I love you.

Even if all relationships don't last, I see ours going till eternity. 
I love you.

This love will be until the end of time, because true and undying love is what do bind us. 
I love you.

You have always been my prime source of joy since then. 
I wish this tends to eternity. 
I love you.

I have talked enough. 
It's time for action. 
 Prepared to love you and stop once it's a day after eternity. 
See how long that will take? 
Love you.

One million might be put there but all I want is you. 
You are the only one I trust my future with. 
Thanks for being the help my destiny needs.

No other person can ever fit into my agenda of fulfilment but you. 
I choose to stand by you all my life.

Be with me on my journey to destiny fulfilment. 
Stand by me for you are all I need. 
Would you?

Thanks for being on this path with me. 
Thank you so much for taking a lifetime decision to be mine. 
Thanks and thanks for it all. 
I love you sweet.

Thanks for your choice of being called my own. 
 Thanks for the offer to help build my Rome. 
Thanks for choosing to help my being alone. 
I love you

The helping hand when I am down is you. The strength when I am weak is none else but you. More than all you've done, I still need you forever my love.

My glorious future awaits celebrating you because it's been you all the while. 
You are more than a darling. 

Not just your beauty and the elegance than comes with it. 
I prime your heart above them all: for with it, our future can be built to last. 
I Love you

I can see myself scaling high. 
I can see the future so bright. 
But when I checked, it's because you are with me. 
I wouldn't let you go, never!

I was done chasing shadows when I knew you were the real picture of a helping hand that I need for a life of significance. 
Thanks for being you.

Waking up with a thought of your love is more than winning a battle. 
Why wouldn't I, when I can see a glorious future with you in it? 
I love you.

The day draws near. 
My boundless joy calls. 
I bask in endless peace, when I look into my future and I can see you in there.
 I can't wait to be with you forever sweetie.

This journey is worth it. 
The road is worth plying. 
All risks worth taking, as long as the future is great with you. 
I love you.

When there is a will there is also a way. 
 Thanks for your choice of going this path with me. 
I promise to make it worth it.

My lifetime heart, my endless desire, my dearly loved, and my all is none else but you. This is who you will ever be, because no one fits but you.

My devotion to you is unwavering. 
My clinging to you, that unswerving. 
My love, my life, my pride that is you! 
Welcome into my future with you.

Everything is taking form, the worse is taking shape. 
The moments of limitations are bidding farewell and it's because I see you in my future.

As long as you are on this page with me, I can dance and merry to celebrate a future so great. 
Why wouldn't I, when you are mine?

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