15 January 2016

Exams Messages - 3

Do you want to know a secret way to get your parents to stop nagging, grounding and advising you throughout the year? Just do well in your exams. Good luck.

Every exam is a step on the ladder of your life. Do well so that you have something rock solid to hold it all together. Good luck.

The best way to motivate yourself is to stop stressing about what’ll happen when things go wrong and start thinking about how awesome life will be when they go right. Good luck.

Hundreds and thousands of people in the world give exams every day. Surely, something so common and ordinary can’t be too difficult. Good luck.

Exams don’t test your knowledge as much as they test your state of mind. Be relaxed and calm down, I am sure you will do fine. Best wishes to you.

Luck is for the lazy, success is for those who work hard.

Don’t let these puny exams get in the way of your big dreams and ambitions. Save all the stress for bigger things in life. Good luck.

Exams are there, At the paper u stare; The answer is nowhere, Which makes u pull ur hair. The teachers make u glare, The grades r not fair, But just like the past 20 yrs, We don’t care !!

It takes 15 trees to Produce the amount Of paper that we Use to write one exam. Join us in promoting the noble Cause of saving trees. Say no to exams.

If the stress of an exam is bringing you down, just think of studying hard as falling on a trampoline. The harder you fall, the higher you will rise. All the best.

If you hate any of your teachers for giving you detention, this is your chance to get back them by scoring well and earning their admiration. Good luck for your exams.

Nothing can stop you from doing your best, nothing can pull you down – as long as you start studying hard and stop fooling around. Good luck.

Let your hard work propel you to a speed so fast that good luck has no choice but to ride with a winner like you. All the best for your exams.

Everyone knows you are the best student out there. All you need to do is work hard and revise with care. Good luck.

Don’t let shabby grades smear your beautiful personality. Good luck.

Exams are like ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends. Their thoughts harass you until late at night, turn your life upside down and cut you off from the rest of the world. All you can do is get over them as quickly as you can. Good luck.

As your girlfriend, it is my responsibility to wish you good luck for your exams with a hug and reward you with a sweet kiss if you do well. Here’s a hug and I hope that you earn your kisses. All the best.

The easiest way to do well in your exams is to treat them like a giant punching bag. Use all the strength of your memory and punch the daylight of your tests. All the very best.

A hot girl gets in professors cabin and says:
I’ll do anything to pass!!
Prof: anything?
Girl: yes!
Prof: sure??
Girl: yes!
Prof: then prepare for u r exams

My nights are going sleepless, My days are going useless. So i asked god, Is this love?
God replied, No dear, exams is near

First line to write in exams:
All the answers written below
Are imaginary and work of my creative mind.
Any resemblance to text book
Is unintentional and purely accidental

exams are there,
At the paper u stare;
The answer is nowhere,
Which makes u pull ur hair.
The teachers make u glare,
The grades r not fair,
But just like the past 20 yrs,
We don’t care !!

Exams are like girl friends
– too many questions
– difficult to understand
– more explanation is needed
– result is always fail! :d

Warriors. Wake up.. It’s time 4 d battle! Refill ur pens, Clear the dust 4m ur text books, C your syllabus & plan your zones.. War begins in 17 days..!

Our parents have many Options for us like Poison Sleeping pill Hanging by neck Throwing from building But i don’t know why do they choose education

The probability of a topic Coming in exam increases exponentially, If one decides to leave the topic completely….

As long as learning is linked with earning, As long as jobs can only be reached through studying, We must take this examination system seriously. Best of luck!

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