13 January 2016

Sweet Love Quotes (1)

Through good times and bad times, my promise is to love you always. 
Even to love you until I breathe my last. 
It's worth it!

If I will love you today, you really deserve it and if forever, it’s because I don't want to have a future without you. 
I love you.

While some relationships are over, ours is just beginning. 
The great part of it is, there is no ending. 
I love you.

No one can ever separate us and nothing can ever separate me from your love. 
We are ever inseparable my love.

If love is food, I wouldn't live a day without constipation from yours. 
You are sweeter than taste can ever tell. 
I love you.

My heart beats timelessly for you, but seven of it is not enough to really love you. 
I love you. 
I love you.

I do not promise you heaven on earth, but I promise to be so down to earth. 
I do not promise a perfect love life, but I promise to love you surely for life.

With your love lighting my love's path, I can't grope. 
For a future of bliss, you are my sure bet, my hope.

I might have seemingly little, even least to offer you, but i promise it will be the best of me. I love you.

It is a lifetime truth when I say my heart is and always will be yours. 
You deserve it - you really do!

I do not promise you all the impossible, but I promise to ever love you as much as possible. 
I might not be the world's best, but I will be your best.

A letter to my sweet love, my friend indeed:
 It's you I do love and will always need. 
To not cheat on you, that my way and my creed. 
You are mine forever, agreed?

No matter how much of quantitative reasoning I do, I just can't understand why you love me this much. 
I love you too baby.

No matter how verbose I become, I just can't use enough words to describe your love for me.

The more I know you day by day, the more I love you. 
The more I love you, the more I become the sweet cute and lovely you.

No matter how old you grow, you will ever be sweet sixteen to me. 
You are such a darling. Kisses.

You're not just the most amazing person I ever met; you are the only amazing person I ever met.

I go hither and thither in my head, that sometimes I would almost lose control. 
In all those times, it's been the awesomeness of your love in me.

As long as you are willing to catch me and keep me up, I will ever be falling for you. 
I love you.

Your love rules my world as ideas do rule the world. 
I give in to being your own forever. 
I love you.

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